Life timeline for business

  • Birth

  • Graduating from High School

    I graduate from high school and head on to a good college. I will start right after high school, so I'll be 18.
  • Rent a small, cheap apartment

    At this point, I'll probably still be about half way through college. I'll be living in a cheap apartment as my "first home".
  • Graduating from college

    I will have a doctor's degree and have graduated from college. I would have spent 10-12 years. I will work as a doctor
  • Buying a house

    Buying a house
    At this point, I will have purchased my first house. I will be living on my own, and still be working everyday, besides Sunday.

    I will probably take a one week vacation trip to Alaska because it is nice and cold, and it is a unique state with amazing wildlife.
  • Paid off my House

    Paid off my House
    At this point, I would have paid off my home fully and not have to make payments on it.
  • Year I turn 67 (Able to collect Social Security)

    At this point, I will have turned 67, but I still will be working. I don't plan on retirering anytime soon. I still live on my own and maybe have a few friends every now and then
  • Year of death

    Year of death
    At this point, I will have died, and never married or retire.