Day i was born
This is where it all started. The day i was born marks the beginning of my life; the foundation of who I am. -
My first steps
This event literally transformed my life forever; I had an efficient way to get around. I walk like literally everywhere, and if im not walking somewhere im walking to a bus stop. Being able to walk is something we all take for granted, it makes everything so much easier. -
Going to Dairy Queen
this might sound kind of dumb, but i have been going to dairy Queen for as long as I can remember. i live right next to it and it being there is kind of like a safety net for me. For example when my family too lazy to cook sometimes we just go to DQ, and ive been going there so long that the employees know my name and what i like. dairy Queen is actually special to me just because its something that I love and something i can fall back on to. -
Starting to play soccer
Soccer has been a huge part of my life because i love to play it so much, so being able to play soccer for the first time was memorable. Because i started soccer, I got better and better at it and i ended up making tons or friends not only because I was nice, but also because I was good. -
Starting preschool
Preschool was obviously when I started going to school, but when i first started it was totally new for me. This marked the beginning of me going to school and learning, something i still do and has and will greatly benefit my in life. -
I started to play Little league baseball.
Starting to play little league changed me as a person. I learned how to be apart of a team and it initially got me interested in sports and being active. I made a bunch of friends through it and im still very close with a few of the kids. -
Flea Market opens
My dad opened his business that he runs on the weekends of the spring/summer/fall. This transformed my life because my dad was now working extra hard and my whole family helped start it by like setting stuff up. Watching my dad go to work and then come home and go to another job on the weekend taught me what hard work and determination was. -
I get my teddy bear
On my fifth birthday, by grandma handed me a cardboard box and inside of it was a teddy bear, her gift to me. I named him Stosh and I slept with him in my bed up until eighth grade. He was just the perfect stuffed animal and i formed a connection with him, like he was my friend. -
Joining scouts
When I was 6 I joined cub scouts and i hated cub scouts for the most part because we never did anything. When i was too old for cub scouts i gave Boy Scouts and it was a totally different experience: I loved it. I have been in it ever since and it has taught be tons and tons of useful, practical skills. -
My first job
Once the market opened back up because of the closure for the winter, i started to work there. I was an eight year old outside at three in the morning parking fifty year olds in their spots while it was 40 degrees out with a windchill. I have worked here ever since, and it has taught me many people skills and even more about work ethic and how to practice good work ethic. We recently ended our 11th,my 9th, season about two weeks ago. -
Going to Disney for the first time
My family doesn't really go on vacation and when we do its usually somewhere relatively close like Michigan. Us going to Florida was a big deal, and when I was there as a kid, it was just everything I could have imagined. I loved it so so much and it is the best vacation I have ever gone on. -
My best friend moved away
At this time I didn't have too many friends, so this was a huge deal for me. We were always joking around and having fun and him not even living in the same state impacted me a lot. Because of this event I learned many coping skills and that many unexpected things happen in life that you just have to deal with. -
I transferred schools
I transferred grammar schools after 5th grade, and this event really changed my life. I didn't really like my old school all too much and the kids there didn't really like me regardless, so I left. At my new school i was welcomed and kids took me in, and because i decided to transfer I met some of my best friends and even though I dont go to school with them anymore, they are still the people I depend on the most. -
Winning sectionals in soccer
In 7th and 8th grade, my team won the soccer championship two years in a row, also by a very narrow margin. i was ecstatic to win them both and it taught be being a part of a team means everyone needs to participate, it is not a one man show. i learned valuable team skills and how to work well with others. -
Getting a dog
My first dogs name was Katie, and getting a dog kind of made me like a parent. Dogs totally depend on us and they have feelings as well, and I learned to feed, walk, and play with her. Our whole family cared for her so much because she was a rescue and she was abused before we got her, she meant to world to us. -
Going into highschool
Going into high school was a whole new thing for me. i was the only one from my grammar school who went to Taft, so i walked in here knowing literally two people. I made tons of new friends and I felt I fit in well, and because of that I am who I am today. -
Getting a concussion
I have had three concussions in my life, but the first one really changed me. This was the first serious injury I have ever experienced and weeks and weeks of me knowing there was nothing I could do do get better but wait killed me. Because of this I have a heightened sense of awareness when it comes to injuries because this was one of the worst ordeals ive ever gone through. Being hurt sucks a lot. -
My dog dies
This event destroyed my family, she wasn't even 2 when she died; she was still a puppy. Because she was abused & neglected before we got her, she got a virus from the poor living conditions and it grew up with her. She got heartworm and after she beat it after 6 months of fighting it, the respiratory infection that the steroids masked killed her. This is was the first time someone so close to me has died and it really impacted me taking things for granted. -
I get a new dog
My family made the decision to get a new dog and I actually picked her out myself from the rescue center, and since I learned not to take things you love for granted, I became and still am her parent. I walk her and play with her everyday even though she can get on my nerves. -
starting to drive
starting to drive helped me in so many ways. I can get places quickly and go where I need to go without worry. It saves a ton of time, effort, and energy, and makes doing everything so much easier.