Birth Day
I was born in Evanston, IL on April 25th, 1999 -
Things I'm involved in
Cross Country for my third year and Track and Field. I enjoy running with my fiends and doing my best to help the team. I don't have a job yet. -
Goals: Short Term
Short Term: I want to do good second semester and get as many A's as I can and do all of my homework. I also want to start looking for colleges and apply. I want to get above an 31 on my ACT and do good during ym Track season. -
Goals: Long Term
Long Term: I want to go to a good college and wokr hard and learn my major, somwhere close, but not too close. I want to travel as well as go to college -
I'm not yet sure if I still will be in college at that time and if I would be it would be for Graduate school -
I wan tto have a job dealing with engineering. I dont know what exact field of enginnering but Architecture and Astronomics interest me I hope to be making above 60,000 a year -
Where will I live/Car
Im not sure which state I would be living in yet I think it would be where ever I am going to college at. I think I am going to live in the city. I will own a car and I don't think it will be a new or nice car at this point in my life. -
I will have narrowed down my carrer at this point and be an Engineer hopefully earning close to six figures. I want to live in Michigan or somewhere close to home. -
I think i will be living in a condo and I hope to be in a relationship or married at this point and with pets possibly not kids yet.