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Life Timeline

By dmm220
  • Graduate High School

    Graduate High School
    I will be 18 years of age when it is my time to graduate.
  • Buy my first car and big girl purchase!

    Buy my first car and big girl purchase!
    I will still be 18 but turning 19 a couple months later.
  • Go to college

    Go to college
    When I go to college I will be 18 but turning 19 soon after the school year starts.
  • Get a part time job during college to save up money, or do an internship at the same time.

    Get a part time job during college to save up money, or do an internship at the same time.
    I will be 19 years old
  • Continue to work out daily to stay in shape.

    Continue to work out daily to stay in shape.
    This is a long term goal so I will be 18 until I decide working out is enough.
  • Get an apartment if I am going to a tech school.

    Get an apartment if I am going to a tech school.
    I will be 20.
  • Put money away to save for a house!

    Put money away to save for a house!
  • Get a puppy

    Get a puppy
    I will be roughly 20 or 21
  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
    Whether it is a tech school or a 4 year school I will either be 20 or 22 years old.
  • Find a real job that uses my degree or interests me very much.

    Find a real job that uses my degree or interests me very much.
    I will be either 20 or 22. I’m not quite sure what I want my degree to be so I picked a picture that interests me.
  • Buy a house.

    Buy a house.
    Age 24
  • Get married!

    Get married!
    I will be 25 years old.
  • Start a family!

    Start a family!
    At 25 I plan to start my big family that I have always dreamed of.
  • Get a big raise.

    Get a big raise.
    26 years of age
  • Expand the family.

    Expand the family.
    I will be 27