Dad diagnosed with Cancer
My Dad is diagnosed with cancer two weeks before I am born and my parents have to pay for the chemotherapy. -
I born on Febuary 9, 2000 in Kentucky. -
Period: to
My Life
Ainsley is Born
Ainsley is my sister who was also born in Kentucky. -
Move to Colorado
We pack our things and move to Colorado because my dad got a job change. -
Move to Indiana
We pack our things and move to Indiana because my Dad got a different job. -
First Job
I get my first job working at Camp Reveal as a summer job and I am now working as an after-school counselor during the school year. -
Dad Loses Job
My Dad loses his job and is now trying to get a Master's Degree from an online college so he can a better income when he finds work again. -
Money Value
Some of my money habits is to have a safety net. Preferably a large safety net in case i need something big for an emergency. -
Money Habits
I'm not a big spender as in I would rather save and get something better while not ruining my budget. -
Future Timespan: Car
I am planning on buying a car by the time I'm 16 because my parents won't get me one or my Grandpa gives me one of the classic cars that he has fixed up. -
Future Status: House
I am planning on buying or renting an apartment in Michigan where I could go to college. -
Future Status: Education
When I move to Michigan I am planning on going to Michigan University. -
Future Status: Career
I don't know what my career choice is going to be. I'm stil trying to figure that out and I'm going to have it ready by the time I graduate. -
Future Status: Pet
If i ever do get a pet it will be when I am well funded and have a good safety net and it will be a dog.