Life Stages: AP Psychology

  • Birth

    Life begins
  • Period: to

    Infant life (Erickson's Theory)

    Birth to 18 months old, one begins to attach to its parents
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    Oral Stage (Freud's Theory)

    Birth to 18 months, child focused on oral pleasures.
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    Toddlers Life (Erickson's Theory)

    Toddlers begin to have little self independence
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    Anal Stage (Freud's Theory)

    18 months to 3 years old, focus of pleasure is on eliminating and retaining feces.
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    Physical Skills

    walk up and down stairs; jump off one step
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    Phallic Stage (Freud's Theory)

    3 years to 6 years, pleasure zone switches to genitals
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    Preschool Life (Erickson's Theory)

    Ages 3-6 years old, set a goal and thinks he can achieve it
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    Physical Skills

    walk backward and forward unselfconsciously; turn and stop well
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    Physical Skills

    skip unevenly; run well
  • Period: to

    Physical Skills

    climb well; coordinate movements for swimming or bike riding
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    Childhood Life (Erickson's Theory)

    6-12 years old, being competent.
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    Latency Stage(Freud's Theory)

    Sexual urges remain repressed, or unknown to conscious mind. Children interact and identify mostly with same sex peers.
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    Physical Skills

    have improved reaction time in responding to thrown balls or oncoming vehicles
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    Adolescence Life (Erickson's Theory)

    12-19 years old, finding out who you are
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    Genital Stage(Freud's Stages)

    Adolescents direct their sexual urges toward opposite sex's genitals. Your personality is determined by what you believe gives you the best chance at mating.
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    Young Adults (Erickson's Theory)

    20-40 years old, committing to a relationship
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    Middle Adulthood Life (Erickson's Life)

    40-65 years old, finding out how they can impact/change the world?
  • Period: to

    Senior Citizen Life (Erickson's Theory)

    65 years and older
  • Death
