Life of pesident JFK

  • A good man born.

    Kennedy was born in Bookline, Massachusetts. He began his life with his eight siblings. Their names are Joseph Patrick Kennedy, Jr, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Rosemary Kennedy, Kathleen Agnes Kennedy, Eunice Mary Kennedy, Patricia Kenne, Robert Francis Kennedy, Jean Ann Kennedy, and Edward Moore Kennedy.
  • scarlet attak

    scarlet fever almost kills young John Kennedy
  • cured

    kennedy recovers from scarlet feaver
  • school day

    Kennedy goes to collage at harverd
  • Life savor

    After volentering for the US navy in WWII, Kennedy saves 4 PT-109 boats men.
  • Some awards

    Kennedy was given a purple heart for ingerys in a search and destory mission. Kennedy was later awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal for his heroics in the rescue of the crew of PT 109
  • Kennedy wins the 1960 election

    Kennedy beats Republican canidate Richerd Nixen
  • In office

    President Kennety starts his term.
  • The moon goal is set

    Kennedy ,after hearing Russia has sent a man to space, says the an American will soon be on the moon.
  • The begining of the end

    A CIA U-2 spy plain takes pictures of intermediate-rang balistic missle (nuke) launch sites being set up in Cuba by Soviets.
  • The horer begins to unfold

    Kennedy is shown the missle sits in Cuba and they are pronounce active sites. Kennedy knows if he attaks the risk of nukular war is incresed, but if he doesn't the risk of close range nukular strikes on America increase.
  • The reasson dicused

    It turns out that America has jupiter rokets (nukes) stored in Turkey, but they are not active wont be active.

    Kennedy orders a blockaid to be setup at the time cange line seperateing Cuba and the atlantic.
  • War and Peace

    After staring nukular war in the eyes, it all ends with a secret deal saying that if the soviets remove their rocets the US will remove theirs after 6 monthes to hide the deal.
  • Kennedy killed

    America struck with disaster when news of Kennedy's assassination is revelded to the public. He was shot and killed by Lee Harvy Oswal in Dallas, Texes. America will remember this day for years to come.