Life of Mahatma Gandhi

  • Mahatma Gandhi is born

    Mahatma Gandhi is born
    Mahatma Gandhi is born in Porbandar. He is born into a family of the caste Vaisya.
  • Gandhi got Married

    Gandhi got Married
    Gandhi got married when he was 13. This would have been common for people in India at that time.
  • Gandhi begins peaceful protesting

    Gandhi begins peaceful protesting
    With his peaceful protesting he wouldn't stop even if he went to jail. Thousands would join him in his protests.
  • Gandhi becomes a leader

    Gandhi becomes a leader
    Gandhi becomes a leader of a new formed Indian National Congress political party.
  • Gandhi starts to help India get away from the British

    Gandhi starts to help India get away from the British
    Gandhi starts a noncooperation campaign to stop the British. One thing he did was to have boycotts.
  • Gandhi Protests Again

    Gandhi Protests Again
    This time he is protesting on salt tax. He and his followers go on a 200 mile long walk to collect their own salt.
  • Gandhi Retires

    Gandhi Retires
    Gandhi retires from being the head of party. He would still remain the leader.
  • Gandhi wins Independence for India.

    Gandhi wins Independence for India.
    Gandhi with all of his hard work finally gets India freedom. This brought Hindu and Muslims fights.
  • Gandhi is killed

    Gandhi is killed
    While in prayer Gandhi is killed by a Hindu. The killer didn't agree with what he had done.
  • Gandhi's Celebrated

    Gandhi's Celebrated
    50 years after Gandhi dies they spread his ashes into the Ganges River. His great grandson was the one that spreaded the ashes.