Life Line

  • Birth

  • 5. Initiative versus guilt Erik Erikson

    Mt grandmother was a teacher and always tried to get me to learn more and encouraged me to want to learn everything I could which has contnued today.
  • I "married" my brother's best friend

  • I went on a date with my "first boyfriend"

  • I learned how to ride a bike

  • 3. Industry versus inferiority Erik Erikson

    I was in frist grade and was encouraged to ask lots of questions and learn alot.
  • 4. Latency Stage Frued

    I did not have many guy friends, but I did have alot of friends that were girls and we hungout all the time.
  • I was placed on the advanced math and reading track

    Industry versus inferiority Erik Erikson
  • My parents bought me a horse

  • 1. Identity versus role confusion Erik Erikson

    I wore outfits I consider weird now and I hung out with kids that got in trouble alot, but I never did so I stopped hanging out with them.
  • I started middle school

    Identity versus role confusion Erik Erikson
  • 2. Identity versus role confusion Erik Erikson

    After hanging out with the trouble makers I became friends with all the smart kids that read books on the weekends but got bored and found new friends.
  • Graduate College

  • Marriage

  • Peak of my life

    I will be married for a year and have my career figured out, or close to it. This is also before I have the responsibility of a family, but I will not be a 20 soething living alone. I will also be young still and able to experiecne lots of things and travel before settling down completely.
  • First kid

  • Most important thing I want my future self to know

    I want myself to know that the most important thing in life is to be happy. If there is someone or something in my life that is negative I should find a way to change it or cut that person/thing out of my life. I should also focus on making others happy because postive energy is a cycle and if I am postive then the world around will be too. I want my future self to remeber money is not hapiness and you can be happy whatever the circumstances are.
  • Death