Go to London to see the Big Ben
I have dreamed of going to London to see big ben since I was little. The reason I want to go is because I heard the clock could be seen for miles I think that would be really cool to see. -
See the Eiffel Tower
I want to take my mom to see the Eiffel Tower. The reason why is because I have always admired big things that are in different counrtys. Also because I just like its shape. It reminds me of the letter A in 3D form. -
Climb Mt. Everst
I always wanted to climb to the top of the world to feel what its like to accomplish something so dangerous and yet exciteing. -
Go scubba diveing
I love underwater life but I mainly love the water. You feel like a wave flowing with the tide. I have had many fish as pets and I think it would be alot of fun to stude them in there habbits instead of in a fish bowl. -
Buy a Island
I would buy a Island so I could do what ever I wanted to like swim all day and watch the stars all night. I would do many things you cant do in a small state made up of intirely corn. Like I could go surffing. -
Vist the Gaza Prymids
After seeing all the movies that have pryimids in them I have wanted to see them. Seeing a anceint piece from millions of years ago is breath takeing. -
Meet a president
I would like to meet the president because hes so important I could give him some cool ideas. I would also l like to vist the white house while seeing him. -
Write a book seris
I always like to express my ideas through writeing. I have always like writeing and reading. I love the exciteing feel when people read your work and like it it inspires me to keep writing. -
Vist the moon
I have always looked up at the sky wishing I could jump and touch the stars. When I go to the moon I would take some frineds and play moon tag. -
Work at a pet hospital
I would have abunch of fun takeing care a of different varitys of animals loveing and careing for them. If the animals didnt have owners we would keep them till some one wants to adopt them. It might look like a vet but its not it s like a dog heaven but with the dogs alive. -
Get Rich
I would get rich by inventing a new invetion. I would use the money to buy a bunch of toys and get pets. The main thing i would use it for is to buy a tablet. -
Help stop world hunger
What I would do is invent a website that when you play a game you get points and every point u get a pound of vegitables would be sent to the hungery and if you get a 1000 points you get a free prize. The prizes are things like Tablets, Ipads, Ipods, Kindles, laptops, dvd plays, screen tvs and hundreds of other things. This would stop world hunger -
Become a comic book maker
I would make new fresh heros and have many adventureous adventures. The comic books would be informational but in a fun way. Kids would learn alot and not even realize it. -
Find a invisbility ring
When im on my adventure on the moon I would find a ring that would allow me to be invisible. When ever Iput the ring on I would go invible with in minutes. -
Learn karote
I would go to China and learn karote and the true meaning of it. When I will finish learning I will win Tournamets fighting against other people. -
Play professical batmitten
Racket ball is my favorite sport. I am pretty good at it. I have been intrerested the minute I learned how to play. At first I stinked at it but after particing it really does help. Its more than just hiting a birdy on a stick when you hit it sails through the air like as if it was rideing a wave then it slowly comes down like a feather. Its a good game to play to relevie stress just dont over push your muscles. -
Meet Will Smith
Will Smith has been one of my favorite actors ever since I saw him. Hes funny smart and a good actor. My favorite movie that hes in is Bad Boyz. -
Ride a elephant
I love watching people in moives ride elephants. I think it would be fun to ride on one. If you get trained ones threre nice and playful. I think the coolest part on the elephant is its trunk. -
Live in a tree house on my island
I would bulid a tree house useing my skills to invent. I would have a solar powered computor. I would use coconut trees to bulid the frame of the house. I would use viens to tie the coconut trees together and then paint all the wall and edges with a super glues sbustance made all out of natural resorces that I find around the Island. -
Get a dog
I want to get a dog because I love them. There cute and cudley. I want a dog like my grandmas hes a poodle named peewee. I know I never will though becuase hes one of a kind. I think Poodles are the best kinds of dogs you can get since there hair is so fluffy and soft. -
Buy my mom a island
I would buy my mom a island for her birth day. I would do this bcause she means every thing to me and plus because she always wanted to live on a island why not let her own a island. The good part would be that the island would be right next to mine so we can vist each other. I want my mom to live a amazeing life before she dies.