Joined a dancing class
This day, in seventh grade, really changed my life. I was a very shy, introverted kid with a few friends. When one of my friends told me to join her in the dance classroom after school, I was amazed as to how much fun they were having. Since then I joined that calss, gone to Universal Studios to perform, and have grown a very large attraction towards the art of dancing. -
Started high school
This was the day. The big transition. I wasn't going to be a young middle school-er, no. I was a big high school-er now. I started back at the bottom of the chain, but it felt so worth it. Now that I look back, at the end of my senior year, it feels like such a little accomplishment as compared to what's lying ahead of me. -
Met my first love
I saw the girl of my dreams. We had the same class, and one day I mustered up the courage to talk to her, and it went amazing. We started dating soon aftter, and we had this spark between us, a spark that I've never felt with anyone ever before, not even with my current girlfriend. It's a shame our relationship ended the way it did... -
Moved to a different high school
I used to go to Old school, and it was a fun run while it lasted. Sadly, I got in with the wrong crowd and started caring less about my grades. Ultimately that was a bad idea, and I realized it. Soon after, I decided that I should move to New school, and start focusing on my grades again. At New school, I have friends that are focused on graduating as opposed to drugs or friends. -
Met my current girlfriend
I met this girl, after school. She was pretty, and she was all alone at the time, so I decided to say hi, and keep her company until her school bus arrives. She was a really cool girl, but her boyfriend was really mean. We started hanging out a little more often, and... -
Started dating my current girlfriend
We finally got together after what felt like an eternity. We are still very happy together, and I can boast that we have never once had a major argument. I'm very proud of that. -
Got my driver's license
A turning point in any teenager's life. I finally got my drivers licence, and as a present, my parents bought me a car. I was very happy, and I still drive that old thing around town. -
Adopted my pet cat
My first real pet. My family has had a few dogs before, but I never really considered them my pet, considering I've seen them once in a blue moon. Her name is Miss Kitty, and she is a very cute, fluffy kitty. -
One year anniversary with my girlfriend
One year doesn't sound like much, but it felt like a big accomplishment with me and my girlfriend. I have never been that good with girls, and knowing that I was in a happy relationship with a girl made me very happy. So happy, in fact, that I gave her an oversized Costco teddy bear to celebrate it. -
Moved in to a new house
This was a big point in my life. Instead of living in a two room condominium, we moved in to a two story house! At the moment, the entire second floor is unofficially dubbed my floor, while the bottom is my dad's floor. I have my own restroom, mini-fridge, and microwave up on my floor. :) *DISCLAIMER: That picture is not a picture of my new house.