Trust vs. Mistrust
Jared and Kelly divorced because their decision to spend the rest of their lives together seemed to be a mistake as they could not keep from arguing. They had a young daughter, a year old, who could not trust the situation she was in. In Erikson's first stage, trust vs. mistrust, the crisis is between rather or not to trust or not trust another. -
Initiative vs. Guilt
A young girl tried to gain control over her environment after being told to clean the house. She decided to start a fire in the bathroom. This is Erikson's third stage, Initiative vs. Guilt, and the crisis is that the young girl tried to gain some sort of control but exerted too much resulting in punishment causing her to feel guilt. -
Identity vs. Role Confusion
An adolescent girl decided she would join the dance team in hopes of gaining new friends and creating a better sense of self. This is Erikson's fifth stage, identity vs. role confusion, and the crisis is the girl joining a dance team, making friends successfully, creating a personal identity.