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Life and Career of William Golding

  • Birth

    William Gerald Golding was born in Cornwall, England, in 1911. He was born to Mildred and Alec Golding.
  • Early Education

    William started his education at an early age. He went to primary school at Marlborough Grammar School where his father was a schoolmaster.
  • Practicing Literature

    William wrote a novel at age 12. Unfortunately, it was unsuccessful.
  • Сollege

    William attended college at Brasenose which is located in Oxford. He spent his first two years of college studying science, then grew interested in literature.
  • Teaching

    William became a teacher at Bishop Wordsworth's School in Salisbury. He taught English and Philosophy in the school.
  • Marriage

    William got married to Ann Golding. They said and kept their vows at their own home.
  • Leaving Teaching

    William Golding temporarily left teaching for a few years Instead of teaching, he wanted to join the Royal Navy to help fight in World War 2
  • Back to the Books and Teaching

    After World War 2, William went right back to writing books. As well as teaching.
  • Lord of the Flies

    Lord of the Flies
    After twenty-one rejections William published his second book. The book was called Lord of the Flies which was the most acclaimed novel at the time.
  • Retirement

    After all those years of teaching, William retired from teaching. He remained in the teaching position until 1961 when he left Bishop Wordsworth's School to write full time.
  • Nobel Prize

    At the age of 73 William Golding's accomplishments made him receive a huge award. The award was the Nobel Prize for Literature.
  • Death

    William Golding passed away. He died of a heart attack in Perranarworthal, Cornwall.