
  • me now

  • pass sociology

    pass sociology
    i need to do all my work
  • make good grades

    make good grades
    ill have to be motivated and try my hardest
  • graduate highschool

    graduate highschool
    this is important so i can get into a good college and be smart
  • get into a good college

    get into a good college
    i want to go to a good college so i can get a good education and live comfortably
  • study abroad in south korea

    i really want to go to south korea and want to live there eventually
  • graduate college

    graduate college
    i need to be responsible and do my work diligently
  • get a job while in college

  • go visit korea again

    ill need to save money
  • get a good job to save up to travel

  • hopefully live in korea

    ill need to get a visa or whatever and get citizenship and a nice job over there
  • rent an apartment

    ill need to save money
  • get a good job in korea

  • travel around korea

  • travel around asia

  • get married i guess

  • go back to usa

  • travel america

  • retire

    ill need to save up
  • live comfortably

    il need to save up