
By 607568
  • Period: to


  • A stressful event occurs.

    Grandfather dies. Hes no physcal effect on character because the character chooses to deal with this healthily by accepting the loss and moving on
  • Faces a challenge in the health triangle

    Made fun of for outfit on the first day of school. Went home and told mom who got the bullies in trouble and reassured that I was stylish
  • Creates a health goal in hopes of improving his/her overall health.

    Decides to eat more fruit to keep healthy lifestyle
  • Best friend starts drinking

    concerened for friends liver, brain calls, friend being caught, and consequences if friend is caught
  • A significant loss occurs.

    Grandpa of caracter passes away. character feels lost and alone and sad
  • Takes keys away from best friend before he/she drives home from a party.

    Takes keys away from best friend before he/she drives home from a party.
    Characterr tells friend of how he could lose control of his vehicle and ruin it or kill himself. Or possibly kill another person. Also the dangers of alcohol cunsumption of the mind and body control
  • Learns about his/her family history of health disease and realizes they need to eat healthier foods

    Learns about his/her family history of health disease and realizes they need to eat healthier foods
    After making canges risks or high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure are lowered
  • A Family relative starts smoking again.

    A Family relative starts smoking again.
    Character is afraid of relative developing black lungs, cancer, andlosng teeth
  • Puberty begins

    Puberty begins
    Begins to think more maturely and hips begin to expand
  • Home sick with the flu for the entire week

    Home sick with the flu for the entire week
    Character gets plenty of rest and sleep,Character takes medication on time on a daily basis. Character will wash hands more frequently, makes sure no share personal items, and get a flu shot.
  • Makes a pledge to stay abstinent.

    Makes a pledge to stay abstinent.
    Parents tell cahracter to learn how to ssay no, think about what is at risk, and the rewards of staying abtinent