liberal revolutions

  • Period: to

    liberal revolution

    Liberalism is a movement adopted by the bourgeoisie which is the result of the political enlightenment ideals. Liberalism is still useful today and it's the basis of all democratic countries in the world.
  • The storming of the Bastille

    The storming of the Bastille
    To be able to attack popular neighbourhoods it was necessary to invade Bastille, that's is why the mob joined some of the king's soldiers and together stormed the Bastille. It was a small but symbolic achievement.
  • declaration of the rights of man

    declaration of the rights of man
    The American Declaration of Independence affirmed the rights of man to liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression. Besides, it proclaimed freedom and equal rights, the elimination of tax exemptions, the right to participate in the making of laws and freedom of press and speech.
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon joined the army at a very young age. In 1796, he was given command of the French army in Italy. When he arrived he found a really bad army. However, Napoleon is an ambitious man so he grew his army and he became a national hero. In 1800 he created a new Constitution with no separation of powers. Then, in 1804, in front of the Pope, he crowned himself emperor.
  • first phase of independence

    first phase of independence
    During the Napoleonic invasion, Local Juntas were created ( Bogotá, Caracas and Buenos Aires), as in the Peninsular territory. Paraguay declared independence in 1811. Ferdinand's return to power delayed this process
  • second phase of independence

    second phase of independence
    Argentina declared independence in 1816. With few troops and no ships, Spain couldn't evade the situation. The independentists won several battles and soon Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Perú, Bolivia, Uruguay and Mexico declared their independence by 1826
  • congress of viena

    congress of viena
    after defeating Napoleon in 1815, Austria, Prussia, Russia and France's monarchists met in Vienna and they decided, creating new kingdoms in Europe, they restored absolutism and they created the Holly Alliance
  • The revolution of 1830 in France

    The revolution of 1830 in France
    After the 1814 restoration in France, the Bourbons established again the Absolute Monarchy, although with certain liberal concessions. Charles X suspended these liberal concessions, including freedom of the press. In only 3 days, Charles X was overthrown, a new king was elected.
  • Other revolutions in 1830

    Other revolutions in 1830
    • National revolutions caused the independence of Belgium and Greece.
    • Liberal revolt in Italy went nowhere.
    • Switzerland ended the Ancien Régime in the cantons. These revolutions were also linked to Romanticism.
  • Origin and First wave of Feminism

    Origin and First wave of Feminism
    Women in the late 19th to early 20th centuries realized that they must first gain political power. Their political agenda expanded to issues concerning sexual, reproductive and economic matters. The seed was planted that women have got potential to contribute just as much if not more than men
  • The reign of Isabella II

    The reign of Isabella II
    The queen was a puppet in the hands of a clique of politicians and oligarchs. Isabella was overthrown finally in 1868 after a huge financial crisis
  • Suffragism in Great Britain

    Suffragism in Great Britain
    Great Britain had seen women's vote movements since the mid 19th century, organised into several organizations. Not until the end of WWI, in 1918, women over 30 were allowed to vote
  • Anarchism

    The main ideologists were Bakunin and Kropotkin. It was based on absolutism freedom. One branch advocated violence against the capitalist institution and the other branch proposed revolutionary unions