Most important life lessons learning hard way quotes sayings pictures

Lessons Learned

By samwm3
  • Period: to

    My African Life!

    Boarding SchoolMap of Marondera, Zimbabwe
    My life in Africa yeilded many interesting lessons that I would not have learned had I been else where. Invaluable lessons such as manners, respect and perserverence were instilled in my sisters and I from a young age, however, usually from trial and many errors!
  • Shocking Life That is Elementary School in America

    Shocking Life That is Elementary School in America
    Pine Island Elementary
    Coming from an extremely structured environment to one of complete chaos definitely took some getting used to. At Pine Island Elementary I learned to accept the fact that things were never going to be like they were, and eventually grasping the lesson that change is a part of life.
  • Little Girls Love to Dance

    Little Girls Love to Dance
    Dance Studio
    One year after moving to the US my sister and I did what most young girls desired to do: dance. I danced competively at a studio for three years. It was here that I learned that things that are worth having, aren't easily aqcuired.
  • Dancing Was Fun, Soccer is Better!

    Dancing Was Fun, Soccer is Better!
    Competive Soccer TeamAfter a while, I grew tired of the dance life, and craved something more exciting. I tried out for a local competitive soocer team, made the roster, and never looked back. My soccer career quickly became successful when I was playing for the second ranked team in Florida in Naples, together, we worked hard to reach the finals of both a state and a national tournament. Soccer taught me that no matter what level you are on, nothing is more important than teamwork.
  • Trasferred to Verot

    Trasferred to Verot
    Switching High Schools was a major time in my life. Having to transition to the academic challenges of Verot taught me many important lessons; hard work, organization, and patience, are few of many. Playing sports at Verot redefined everythng I thought I knew about what it meant to be a part of a team.
  • Yet Another Change of Heart

    Yet Another Change of Heart
    Flight TrainingI will always be thankful that I played soccer at the high level I did, for as long as I did, had I not played club soocer, I would not have found my one true love: flying. Earning a Private Pilot's License has probably been the most influential event of my life so far. Flying has taught me that I can achieve far more than I ever imagined, which is an amaing concept to finally grasp.