Da vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Period: 1452 to 1457

    Leonardo Da Vinci`s childhood

    Leonardo spent his five first years in his father's house. Here, he learned to write, read and some arithmetric. However he didn't learn latin.
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci`s birth

  • 1469

    Training on Verrocchio's studio

    Leonardo entered as apprentice in Andrea del Verrocchio's studio, one of the most prestigious of the time.Where he learned different skils
  • Period: 1472 to 1475

    Vasari colaboration

    He colaborated whit Vasari in the paint of Christ's baptism
  • 1476

    First painting

    He paint his first painting "Virgin of Carnation"
  • Period: 1482 to 1500

    Wroks for Ludovico Sforza

    Leonardo Da Vinci impressed Lorenzo de Médici. He sent Leonardo to Milan to work for Duke Ludovico Sforza
  • 1502

    ·Leonardo Becomes Cesare Borgia's Military Engineer.

    Leonardo travels around the Romagna, inspecting fortifications. He meets Machiavelli.
  • 1507

    Leonardo Is Appointed Louis XII's Painter And Engineer.

    He paints a second version of the Virgin of the Rocks.
  • 1513

    ·Leonardo Moves To Rome.

    Living in the Vatican, he studies the properties of mirrors.
  • May 2, 1519

    Leonardo died