Leonardo da Vinci

  • 1466

    Moves to Florence

    Moves to Florence with his father to apprentice in Andrea Verrocchio’s workshop.
  • 1472

    Paints angel

    Leonardo paint angel and is accepted to the painters guild.
  • 1480

    Works for Duke Lorenzo

    Leonardo works for Duke Lorenzo de Medici a patron of the arts.
  • 1481

    Adoration of Magi

    Commissioned for adoration of the Magi.
    Leaves unfinished
  • 1482

    Offers service service to Duke of Milan

    Leonardo offers service as a engineer, architect, sculpture and painter to Duke Milan.
  • 1483

    Move to Milan

    Moves to Milan and makes statue for the Duke Milan.
  • 1488

    First anatomical drawing

    First anatomical drawings in his notebook.
  • 1490

    Start to make telescope

    Starts making telescope.
  • 1495

    Draws last supper

    Makes last supper.
  • 1498

    Publish his notebook

    Publish his notebook.
  • 1499

    French soldiers invade

    Leonardo’s clay horse is destroyed by the French Soliders.
  • 1500

    Leonardo leaves Milan

    Leonardo leaves Milan and go back to Florence
  • 1503

    Plans to make sea and flying objects

    Draws plans to make objects
  • 1503

    Goes to Milan

    Leonardo is summon to Milan by French governor
  • 1529

    Leonardo dies

    Leonardo does in 23/2/1519