Leonardo da Vinci

  • Apr 15, 1452


    He born in Florencia
  • 1460

    'Men of the Vitruvio '

    'Men of the Vitruvio '
    lenardo his draw.It is not known when it was made but it has great symbolic value
  • 1474

    Ginebra de Benci

    Ginebra de Benci
    This painting was his first work to a woman (Ginebra de Benci)
  • 1475


    this painting his made in 1475 representing a biblical scene
  • 1480

    Tobias and the Angel

    Tobias and the Angel
    It was made in year 1480 representing a biblical scene
  • 1497

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    In 1495 Leonardo painted the other picture called "the last supper"
  • 1505

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    In 1503, Leonard painted his masterpiece the Mona Lisa ( the famous picture)
  • 1513

    Salvator Mundi

    Salvator Mundi
    this picture it was made in the year 1513, for Luis XII de France
  • 1515


    It was made in year 1515
  • May 2, 1519


    leonardo da vinci his dead in 1519 because was he old