Apr 15, 1452
Birth of Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci is born in Vinci, Italy. He is the illegimate son of Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci. Nothing is known of his mother. (Thomas 49) -
Mar 17, 1453
Ottoman Conquest
Conquest of Constantinople. Greek begin to travel westward and expand their knowledge. The 100 Years War ends. (europeanhistory.about.com) -
Jan 14, 1467
Leonardo is Apprenticed
Even though his father disapproved of an artist's lifestyle, he realized his artistic capabilities. He is sent to Andrea Del Verrochio in Florence, Italy at the age of 17. He is apprenticed as an artist and thrives here for many years. (Thomas 50) -
Jul 13, 1472
Florence Painters Guild
Leonardo was asked to join the Painters Guild of Florence. His art was so well done and respected. Being part of a guild borught respect and prestigious status. (softschcools.com) -
May 14, 1482
Moves to a New city
After being charged with a crime that was later dropped, Da Vinci moved away to Milan for a new start. He also was not thriving enough in Florence after his work was better than his teachers. (softschools.com) -
Feb 6, 1490
during the 1490's, Leonardo began keeping journals of his inventions, art, and studies. He keeps many notebooks even containing his anatomical research. this wuld soon lead to many more discoveries. (softschools.com) -
Mar 14, 1495
"The Last Supper"
Da Vinci begins his work on the Last Supper. It is painted in the convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie. It was the first painting depicting the Last Supper with as much detail. (softschools.com) -
Aug 4, 1499
Return to Florence
After Milan is conquered, Da Vinci returns to Florence. He continued and improved his career in art. He would remain here for awhile. (softschools.com) -
Oct 14, 1499
France Conquers Milan
The French conquered Milan. This spreads the Renaissance further in to France. The Renaissance was only beginning to spread and influence people. (europeanhistory.about.com) -
Apr 22, 1502
Military Engineer
Da Vinci became Cesare Borgia's military engineer. He travelled with troops to sketch and draw maps. He returned to Florence in 1503. (softschools.com) -
May 13, 1503
"Mona Lisa"
Leonardo began painting his most famous painting of a young woman with a mysterious smile. No one knows who the woman is, but she would go to live on in a museum in France after Leonardo's death.It is one of the greatest paintings known. (softschools.com) -
Apr 5, 1508
Michelangelo Paints Sistine Chapel
Michelangelo was asked to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling. This was an original fresco painting inspired by the Renaissance. (europeanhistory.about.com) -
Dec 15, 1509
Henry VIII Takes Power
Henry VIII succeeds to power in England. He is one of th emost famous kings in English history. He was well kmown for his number of wives, and beginning the Reformation. (bbc.co.uk) -
Jan 18, 1515
Francis I Takes Power in France
Francis I took power in France. He rose from the Renaissance and became a prime leader. he ruled during Da Vinci's time in France.(Brittanica.com) -
Dec 15, 1516
Leonardo Travels to France
Leonardo was asked to France by the king to paint for him. He moves there.This is where he resides the rest of his life. (softschools.com) -
Apr 15, 1517
Reformation in Europe
"Finally reformation begins and divides Europe spiritually permanently" (europeanhistory.about.com) Europe becomes spiritually and religiously divided for good. This was another result of the Renaissance. -
May 2, 1519
Leonardo Da Vinci Dies
Leonardo dies in Amboise, France. He was accompanied by his friend Count Francesco Melzi. His art and inventions live go on to inspire everyone for many years to come. (Thomas 64)