Apr 15, 1452
Date of birth
Born April 15, 1452 near a village of Vinci. He was belived to be born in a stone house as the son of Piero Frousino di Antonio da Vinci. It was belived that he lived with his mother the first 4 years of his life then switched to go live with his mother. This event is important because this was the start of Leonardo da Vincis life
(Louis,337) -
Jan 1, 1459
Civil war in England
One of the mordern events at the time of Leonardo da Vinci was the renewel of the civil war in England. This event was caused by the queen and her calling to an advisery. This event was important because it shows problems in the country of England.
(Leonard Da Vinci) -
Jan 1, 1467
When Leonardo was 15 his father apprenticed him to Andrea del Verrocchio. Verrocchio was a great person for Leonardo to be apprenticed by according to his father. He was apprenticed to be a craftsman. This is important because this is were Leonardo got his first knowledge and experiance.
(Leonardo Da Vinci) -
Jan 1, 1469
Rulers of Florence
Lorenzo and Giulianode medici became the ruler of Florence. These were two brothers who ruled Florence. Lorenzo was considered wise. This event is important because this was change in power in florence father to son or son(s).
(Leonardo Da Vinci) -
Jan 1, 1469
Vosco da gama Port
The Vosco da Gama port is created in 1469. This was a new way to transport goods in and out without struggle in France. This is important because it makes trading easier.
(Leonardo Da Vinci) -
Dec 1, 1475
First Painting
Loenardo was apprenticed with verroccio and worked on the Baptism of Christ. This was known as his first painting but he worked with Verroccio on it not just himself. This is important because this was the start of him making famous paintings.
(Leonardo Da Vincis life) -
Dec 1, 1478
First studio
Leonardo set up his firts studio in france. He was no longer with his apprenticeship and was now painting and making money on his own. This is important because this was the first time he was on his own.
(Louis, 338) -
Dec 1, 1480
Ivan III
Ivan III styles himself the Czar of Russia during the time of Leonardo da Vinci.Ivan had grown up without parents and with nobelmen trying to take over his power. He eventually got the nickname ivan the terrible because of his actions, for example he made a police force to basically terrorize people. This is important because Ivan was a huge impact on Russia and changed the coarse of russia forever.
(Leonardo Da Vinci) -
Dec 1, 1483
The Virgin of the rocks
The name used for two of the painting created by Leonardo da Vinci. One painting hangs in Louvre, Paris whule the other in London. This is important because Leonardo changed previous artistic assumptions of religious figures.
(The Virgin Of the rocks) -
Jan 1, 1492
Lorenzo De Miedici dies
Lorenzo De Miedici dies in1492. He was an Italian statesmen who was the ruler of the Florence Rebublic. His death ended the Golden Age in Florence. This event was important because what i previously said this ened the golden age.
(Leonardo Da Vinci) -
Jan 1, 1494
Power in France
Savonarola takes power in Florence. He was a preacher during the time of the renaissance. He was most know for his prophocies on civic glory. This is important because this was a mojor switch in power in Florence from Lorenzo.
(Leonardo Da Vinci) -
Jan 1, 1495
The Last Supper
In 1495, Leonardo starts the Last Supper. This is a huge painting( 15 x 29 ft) he created by Leonardo because the Duke of Milan who he had been working for requested a realistic picture of what it was like at the last supper. This is another huge famous painting but like he did with The virgin of the Rocks he changed previous artistic knowledge of The Last Supper.
(10 things) -
Jan 1, 1498
Finishes the Last Supper
Comppletes the Last supper project. This painting took him a span of 2 years but he was know as a procrastinator and put projects off to the side. This is important because this project took him 2 years and it changed peoples thoughts on the Last Supper.
(10 things) -
Dec 6, 1503
Mona Lisa
Comminsioned to paint the Mona Lisa on 1503. Francesco Del Giocondo asked leonardo to paint this drawing of his wife Lisa Gherardini.This was requested right at the turn of the century. This painting is important because it is one of the most studied paintings.
(Leonardo Da Vinci) -
Dec 6, 1515
St. John the Baptist
In 1515 Leonardo paints St. John the Baptist.The painting suggests the importance of salvation through baptism. It was an oil painting on walnut wood. This painting is important because this is belived to be Leonardos last painting.
(Leonardo Da Vinci) -
May 2, 1519
Date of Death
This is the date of Leonardo da Vincis death. He spent the last 2 years of his life in France.Most of his belongings were left to his favorite apprentece.
Leonardo had started to influence so many around him that when he died his mark was left on so many
(Louis, 340)