Leonardo Da Vinci

  • 1452

    Leonardo’s Birth

    Leonardo’s birth at Anchiano, two miles from Vinci - He lives with his mother
  • 1455

    Leonardo Moves

    Leonardo moves to Vinci to live with his grandparents.
  • 1466

    Leonardo moves again.

    Leonardo moves to Florence with his father to apprentice in Andrea Verrocchio’s workshop.
  • 1472

    Leonardo paints

    Leonardo paints angel in Verrocchio’s Baptism of Christ and he is also accepted in the painters guild that year
  • 1473

    Leonardo makes his landscape drawing

    Leonardo makes his landscape drawing, his oldest drawing
  • 1480

    Leonardo works for someone

    Leonardo works for Duke Lorenzo de Medici, a patron of the arts.
  • 1481

    He leaves a painted unfinished

    He paints for the Adoration of the magi but he left it unfinished.
  • 1482

    He offers to Duke Of Milan

    Leonardo offers as engineer, architect and painter to Duke of Milan
  • 1483

    He moves another time.

    Leonardo moves again to Milan. Then he makes a statue for the Duke Of Milan
  • 1488

    He draws

    His drawing appears in his notebooks
  • 1490

    He makes something

    Leonardo makes a telescope. But he didn’t invent it.
  • 1493

    He builds a clay model

    Leonardo builds a clay model of a statue
  • 1495

    Makes something got to do with Jesus

    Leonardo makes the last supper in a dining room
  • 1497

    He finishes the last supper

    Leonardo finishes the last supper after 2 years.
  • 1498

    He publishes

    Leonardo publishes his notebooks. He writes stuff about mechanics.
  • 1499


    Leonardo’s clay horses that he made got destroyed by French soldiers.
  • 1500

    Leonardo leaves

    Leonardo leaves Milan then goes back to Florence.
  • 1503

    He plans

    Leonardo plans to make sea and flying things
  • 1505

    He finishes

    Leonardo finishes a sketch of Battle painting.
  • 1507

    He puplishes once again

    Leonardo thinks about publishing his notebook again and goes back to Florence
  • 1514

    He paints himself

    In Florence Leonardo made a painting about himself. A self portrait.
  • 1519

    Something sad happens...

    Leonardo dies on May the 2nd