Leonardo da Vinci

  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo da Vinci born

    Leonardo da Vinci born
  • 1466

    Leonardo went to Florence

    Leonardo went to Florence
  • 1472

    Leonardo joined the Guild of St Luke

    Leonardo joined the Guild of St Luke
  • Aug 5, 1473

    Leonardo's earliest known work(Arno River)

    Leonardo's earliest known work(Arno River)
  • Period: 1482 to 1499

    Leonardo stayed in Milan and worked for the Duk

  • 1499

    Leonardo left Milan and went to Venice

    Leonardo left Milan and went to Venice
  • 1500

    Da Vinci went back to Florence

    Da Vinci went back to Florence
  • Period: 1502 to 1503

    Leonardo worked for Cesare Borgia

  • 1503

    Leonardo rejoined the Guild of St Luke

    Leonardo rejoined the Guild of St Luke
  • Period: 1513 to 1516

    Leonardo went to Rome and lived there(Vatican)

  • Dec 19, 1515

    Leonardo went to a meeting of Francis I with Pope Leo

    Leonardo went to a meeting of Francis I with Pope Leo
  • 1516

    Leonardo went to France with Francis I

    Leonardo went to France with Francis I
  • May 2, 1519

    Leonardo died at Clos Lucé(France)

    Leonardo died at Clos Lucé(France)
  • Leonardo da Vinci paint Mona Lisa

    Leonardo da Vinci paint Mona Lisa
  • Leonardo went back to Milan with his pupils

    Leonardo went back to Milan with his pupils