Apr 15, 1452
Leonardo da Vinci was born to Piero and Caterina near Vinci, Italy on April 15, 1492. After his birth his mother who was not married to Piero was sent away to marry Accattabriga. He was raised by his father and grandfather. He often stayed with his uncle when his father and grandfather were away for buissness. Leonardo's uncle was the person who got him interested in the natural world.
This event is important because Leonardo da Vinci would go on to pave the way for future inventions.
(Romei 6) -
Jan 1, 1453
Turks capture Constantinople
The Turks captured Constantinople in 1453. This put and end to the remaining part of the Roman Empire. This was the weaker eastern empire after the split into the east and western empires.
This is significant because it led to an empire that was in existance until the 20th century.
(Beck 281) (Grun 208) -
Period: Jan 1, 1467 to Jan 1, 1482
Da Vinci spent this time in Florence from 1467 to 1482 with is father and grandfather. He was forced to move there when he was fifteen because his father had to go there for buissness. While in florence he got and education.
This is significant because this started his search for knowledge when he learned in school which fueled his advancements in science.
(Romei 8) -
Jan 1, 1469
Verrocchio's Workshop
Leonardo da Vinci served as an aprentice to Verrocchio in Florence starting in 1469. There da Vinci learned about painting, sculpting and drawing. Verrocchio was an engineer as well as an artist so Leonardo learned about engineering during his appernticeship there as well.
This is significant because this is where Leonardo learned about art and gained the knowledge he used throughout his life.
(Romei 14-15) -
Jan 1, 1478
Independent Master
Da Vinci created his own studio in Florence in 1478. During his time in his studio he made many paintings. He also added to the linear perspective theory in art about how colors change with distance. Leonardo also made scientific observations about the natural world particularly in math and physics.
This is significant because this is the time when da Vinci had no restaints on his talent. He could work on what he wanted to not what someone else wanted done.
(Encyclopedia 338) -
Period: Jan 2, 1482 to Jan 1, 1499
Leonardo Da Vinci sereved as the artist for the Duke of Millan from 1482 to 1499. During this time period he had many paintings. This used a new technique which didn't work leading to the flaking of the paint. He also sereved as an engineer designing miltary weapons and devices. These included an early machine gun and locks just to name a few.
This is important because he made great advances in science and technology while in Millan that lead to many future inventions.
(World 65) -
Dec 10, 1483
Martin Luther's Birth
Martin Luther was born on December 10, 1483. He was ordained in 1507. Martin Luther lead a reform in the Church of England later in his life.
This is significant because his leadership in the reform led to great advancements in the Church.
(Grun 214) -
Jan 1, 1492
In 1492 Leonardo's intrest in the natural world led to his intreest in mathematics particularly geometry. In his time in Milan he began to take more interest in mathematics. His knoledge of geometry is shown in many of his paintings. The arms of the Mona Lisa form the base of a pyramid that her head is the top of.
This is significant because his work with geometry was revolutionary in the field and opened doors for other artist of that time period and the future.
(Romei 40-41) -
Jan 2, 1492
Muslims lose power in Europe
The muslims were forced out of Europe in 1492. They lost their last city in Europe. It was the city of Granada and it fell to the Christians.
This is significant because it led to the Spanish Inquisition which forced non- catholics out of Spain which led to changes in Spanish society.
(Wetterau 107) (Beck 346) -
Oct 12, 1492
Columbus Reaches America
Christopher Columbus reached the Americas on October 12, 1492. He set out on his voyage from Palos, Spain in August 3rd. The "Santa Maria" wrecked near Haiti on December 25.
This is significant because it opened up new trade and settling oportunities in the Americas. This eventually led to the United States.
(Grun 1492) -
Jan 1, 1498
Portuguese reach India
In 1498 the Poruguese became the first europeans to reach India. This is an important event to starting trade with India and expanding Europe's tradeing horizans. They reached India under the command of Vasco da Gama.
This is significant because it led to trade with India. This improved Europe's economy.
(Wetterau 81) -
Jan 1, 1506
The Mona Lisa
Leonardo finished the Mona Lisa in 1506. He began work on the painting in 1503. The painting is of a portrait but nobody is sure who it is of. She is in front of a fantastic landscape that includes extreme scientific accuracy. The painting is currently on diplay at the Louvre in France.
This is significant because it is one of the most famous paintings of history.
(Romei 50-51) (World 66) -
Jan 2, 1506
Leonardo da Vinci made great advancements in the field of mechanics in 1506. A lot of his work was centered around gears and pullies. He invented divices that would work with gears to do different things like clutches or make something easier to do like a ball bearing. Most of his work as a military engineer in Millan was based on mechanics.
This is significant because his advancements led to almost all modern inventions.
(Romei 58-59) (World 66) -
Jan 1, 1508
Leonardo da Vinci always had a dream of flying. He designed multiple flying machines in 1508 using different propulsion methods and wing styles. He never succeded but probably could have if the engine had been invented.
This is significant because although he never succeeded his failed designs sped up the invention of airplanes and helicopters.
(Romei 56-57) -
Jan 1, 1512
Selim the Grim Rises to power
Selim the Grim came to power in the Turkish Empire in 1512. He came to power by killing his father and brothers. He then killed all of his sons except for one to make sure the power went to him. He was an effective leader and he captured many Muslim cities in the middle east.
This is significant because he expanded the power of the Turkish Empire helping it survive until the 20th century.
(Beck 445) -
May 2, 1519
Leonardo da Vinci died on May 2, 1519 at the age of 67. At the time he was in Amboise, France still learning and doing research. After his death most of his notebooks weren't published for another 400 years. The rest of his notebooks were lost in that time span.
This is significant because it put an end to his beautiful paintings and ground breaking research that took place throughout his life.
(World 66)