Apr 15, 1452
Leonardo Da Vinci Is born
On April 15, 1452 Leonardo Da Vinci was born in Vinci with the name Lionardo di ser Piero da Vinci, Italy from his mother Caterina da Vinci and father Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci.He would soon begin to change the world with his artwork,inventions,ideas,and discoverys. From the book Leonardo Da Vinci by Richard McLanathan -
Apr 15, 1452
Leonardo is baptized!
Leonardo was baptized on April 15 1452 this would lead him into the Christian religon and insprie in for many of his paintings like the Last Supper and Baptism of Christ. from Leonardo Da Vinci by Richard McLanathan -
Dec 17, 1454
The Printing press
Gutenberg is credited with the invention of the printing press in Europe, and ushers in the age of printed books, making literature more accessible to all Europeans. This would increae knowledge for years to come. from http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/press.html -
Dec 17, 1464
Lorenzo de Medici Gets Power in Florence
After his father Cosimo's death in 1464, his son Piero rules until his death in 1469, when power falls into the hands of Lorenzo, who rules until 1491, bringing Florcence to Its greatest hights and would be leader while leonardo is in Florence. Also is the father of Pope Leo X by Leonardo Da Vinci by Richard McLanathan -
Dec 14, 1467
Leonardo is sent to Florence
Leonardo is sent to Florence to work as apprentice to Andrea De Verrocchio. When there working with Verrocchio he creates The Baptism of Christ. This is when he begans to get sucked into painting and continues to work with Verrocchio even after he stops being his apprentice. by Leonardo Da Vinci by Richard McLanathan -
Apr 26, 1478
Pazzi vs Medici
On easter sunday in 1478 The pazzi family rivals of the medici family in florence had a plan to kill the brothers in charge Giuliano and Lorenzo. They hired the ope and adventurers to aid them and they killed Giuliano and wounded Lorenzo. This made Lorenzo realize the importance of allies and politics. *By The Italian Renaissance by Paul Robert Walker -
Dec 13, 1482
Leonardo goes to Milan
Leonardo moves to Milan to work in the service of the city's duke, Ludovico Sforza. He gains the title of "painter and engineer of the duke.When he is here he comes up with more ideas in his sketch book and paints the Last Supper,and the Virgin of the rocks. by Leonardo Da Vinci by Richard McLanathan -
Aug 3, 1492
Christopher Sails the Ocean Blue
Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella send Christopher Colubus on a trip to Spain where he messed up and accidently landed on the shores of America. People would begin to move in and establish settlements. http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/columbus.htm -
Dec 18, 1495
Leonardo paints the Last Supper
The Last Supper is the most iconic painting of Christianity. This painting depicts when Jesus is having his last supper and he is telling them that someone will betray him. This beside the Mona Lisa Was one of his most famous work. This was made in Milan.By Masters of art Leonardo Da Vinci by Francesca Rome -
Dec 18, 1500
Leonardo war ideas
In Leonardos notebook he shows a drawing of a array of war machines it also has a tank that two men would power using crank chafts. Also in his notebook he had was powered by horeses, when the horse ran it powered a spining Sythe so it would spin around and slice enemys. He also designed an enormous crossbow. that never worked. Also made a cannon that hurled stones and smoke in the air so the enemy would be suprised and attacked. Then last is the Wheel lock musket.By Masters of art cant fit -
Dec 17, 1503
Martin Luther
Luther publishes three great works, To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and On the Freedom of a Christian.
In The Christian Nobility of the German Nation, Luther outlined the doctrine of the Priesthood of all believers and denied the authority of the Pope to interpret, or confirm interpretation of the Bible. This is the Protestant Reformation where Catholics split into Protestants.by http://www.patheos.com/Library/Protestantism.html -
Dec 19, 1503
Mona Lisa
The painting, thought to be a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo. The painting unlike St.John the Baptist has great facial expressions and it what grew is fame around the world and got his name out there. It was creates in Italy where Clos Amboise took the painting.The painting helped continue his fame and was given to Clos Amboise possibly strenghthened the relationship between them and Italy.By Masters of art Leonardo Da Vinci by Francesca Rome -
Dec 19, 1507
Leonardo and Mezi and Louis XII
Louis XII appoints Leonardo court painter and engineer. Leonardo paints second version of the Madonna of the Rocks. Leonardo meets young friend and assistant, Melzi, Melzi would join Leonardo Da Vinci on his trips and help him paint and would also inherit Leonardos items when he dies,Also Leonardo travels to Florence for a family lawsuit against his brothers over an inheritance.by Leonardo Da Vinci by Richard McLanathan -
Dec 18, 1512
Leonardo In Rome
Leonardo moves to Rome. Living in the Vatican, he studies the properties of mirrors. It is perhaps at this time that he paints the Turin Self-portrait. It was in this year that Leo X became pope.While in Rome, Leonardo completed his last major painting, John the Baptist. By Leonardo Da Vinci by Richard McLanathan -
Dec 17, 1519
Leonardo Dies
Leonardo dies on 1519 in Clos Luce France with so many ideas but leaves no succesor to finsih them. He leaves his valuables to others in his will and dies in his sleep. He was one the greatest men to not only contribute knowledge and ideas to the Italian renaissance but to the world.By Leonardo Da Vinci by Richard McLanathan -
May 26, 1527
Sack of Rome
After Pope Clement VII refuses to grant the imperial army a ransom, it attacks the city of Rome, taking the city in just over twelve hours. The sack of Rome symbolizes the downfall of Renaissance Italy, much of which is subjugated to Imperial-Spanish rule by the settlement of Bologna in 1530. by www.history.com/topics/ancient-rome -
Work Cited For My Time Line! (not a part of Leonardo Da Vincci's Life)
Works Cited
"Ancient Rome." History.com. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.
"Christopher Columbus Discovers America, 1492." Christopher Columbus Discovers America, 1492. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2013.
"Library." Protestantism Origins, Protestantism History, Protestantism Beliefs. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.
McLanathan, Richard. Leonardo Da Vincci. New York: Harry N.Abrams,Inc, 1990. Print.
"The Printing Press." The Printing Press. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2013.
Rome, Francesca. Mas