Apr 14, 1452
Leonardo Da Vinci was born in a village just outside of Florence Italy April 14, 1452. He was the illegitimate son of Messer Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci and Caterina. His mother was a peasent and may havee possibly been a slave from the Middle East. Their love could never be so his father cast his mother away when Leonardo was a baby. His father then married a sixteen year old girl Albiera. This man, Leonardo, was the most influential person in history with his inventions and paintings.Ca -
Period: Apr 14, 1452 to May 2, 1519
Life to Death Leonardo Da Vinci
Jan 1, 1453
Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Empire was created by the Turks who ruled it from 1453 until 1923. They ruled the empire as a dynasty passing leadership from generation to generation. The territory was not based on the strength of the military at the given time not on religion or ethnic backgrounds. The Turks were the only ones able to overtake the great and powerful city of Constantinople (Korkut Ozgen). -
Jan 1, 1455
The Wars of the Roses
The Wars of the Roses were a series of civil war fought in England. The wars were fought by theHouse of York and Lancastor. The two houses had badges that were a red rose for Lancastor and a white one for York. The two houses fought because both were descendants of Edward III, there was civil unrest throught the kingdom, and there were many lords who had private armies they could use. It was a bloody and gruesome war but in the end there was peace amongst the people and a new king was crowned (C -
Dec 5, 1456
Italy Earthquake
Italy was hit on December 5, 1456 with the worst recorded earthquake in Italy. This had done massive damage to the Naples Kingdom. The earthquake last for just over 2 minutes. The estimated death toll for this disaster was over 13,000. This catastrophe changed the lives of thousands, the ones who died and the ones who were left living who loved the dead (Kate Kelly). -
Jan 1, 1466
His Master
When Leonardo was 14 his father sent him to be an apprentice to Verrochio. While Leonardo was under the teachings of the most successful artist at the time he was taught many different ways to paint and other parts of his education as well. His knowledge included chemistry, metal working, and mechanics. All of that accompanied his knowledge of painting, drawing, and sculpting.His entire legacy and fame is due to his master for without him he wouldn't have been able to improve on himself.Carmen B -
Jan 1, 1475
Baptism of Christ
The Baptism of Christ project was a collaboration project between Leeonardo and his master Verrocchio. His master had painted most of it but Leonardo had painted one of the two angels, the landscape in the background, and the final touches to Christ. Leonardo adopted his own style in painting instead of following Verrocchio. He went from a hard metallic surface to a soft one and had modulations of light and shade (Paula Byers). Leonardo was still a young man at the time and he became recognized -
Jan 1, 1480
Machine Gun
Leonardo had many skills besides artistry. He was also an inventor, he happen to invent an early type of machine gun. Leonardo had found the problem with guns and was able to enhance them. He had put three barrels on a triangular support giving it stability and multiple barrels. While the first one fired the second one was loaded and the third cooled down after the first shot it would rotate and become the third (Phillip Cane). Even though this is a very unadvanced type of machine gun it's model -
Jan 1, 1482
Adoration of the Magi
The Adoration of the Magi depicts The Virgin Mary and Child making a triangular shape with the Magi kneeling in adoration. This is one of the early paintings done by Da Vinci and it shows how much of a high regard he holds Christ in. There is a tree from the Carob family and the seeds of the tree are a measurment of value. They are associated with crowns suggesting Christ as the king of kings (Kate Kelly). This painting opened people's eyes to the idea of him being the king of kings. -
Jan 1, 1485
The orphanage in Florence was the first orphanage in the world. There was a basin at the front door and this is where the babies were left to be cared for. However they eventually removed it and made a door with a special rotating wheel so that the baby could be left anonomously. This orphanage helped save many baby's lives who most likely wouldve been thrown away and left to die (Kate Kelly). -
Jan 1, 1485
Sweating Sickness
Sweating Sickness had it's first outbreak in England in 1485. The first stage of the illness was cold. Very suddenly you would get a sense of apprehension. Afterwards a shiver would set in, giddiness, a headache, and severe pain in the shoulders, neck, and limbs. Then the hot stage set in where you began sweating profusely and began very thirsty. At the end you would become very exhausted of tired. This ilness was different from any other plague and killed thousands (Kate Kelly). -
Jan 1, 1497
The Last Supper
The Last Supper is one of the most religious paintings that has ever been made. It depicts Christ announcing to his disciples that one of them will betray Him. Leonardo had made this painting using an oil base instead of fresco (Richard McLanhathan). This was very strange for the time and got Leonardo recognized by many -
Jan 1, 1500
The Portuguese were the first Europeans to establish a colony in this area. They did not look to attack the natives, but to trade. The nnatives were not very advancced but they were able to trade with the riches that they had. The Portuguese went bearing gifts instead of guns and so in the end they were able to not have war with them. This area being colonized allowed others in the world to travel there and their culture has greatly influenced Brazil's culture today -
Jan 1, 1500
Leonardo was obsessed with flight and wished to accomplish it. Leonardo imagined flight being obtained with the shape of an areo-screw. Leonardo knew that if his design was created with lined and had the pores covered with starch it would fly. The starch made the linen impenetrable to wind going through it (Kate Kelly). Leonardo's helicopter was the first to suggest using a screw shape which is now widely used all over the world. -
Jan 1, 1500
Scuba Gear
Leonardo's fascination wiht the world around him let him invent many inventions. While in Venice in 1500 his fascination was with water. He had invented scuba gear to be able to attack enemy ships from under water. The gear was a leather suit and a bag like mask over the head. There were two tubes that were connected near the nostril area on the face mask to allow oxygen to get in (Carmen Bambach). Scuba gear has allowed us to learn everything that we know about the ocean. -
Jan 1, 1507
Mona Lisa
The Mona Lisa depicts a beautiful young women who appears to have a slight smile. The girl was never identified and remains a mystery to this day. In the background of the painting is alpine. The girl was painted so perfectly that people try to guess the reason behind her smile (Richard McLanhathan). Leonardo had painted the most widely known and best painting ever and this was it. -
May 2, 1519
Leonardo's death was tragic. He was a blessing to this world and forever shall be remembered. He was an inventor and an artist who changed the world forever with his ideas.