Unknown 2

Leonardo da Vinci

By JordynG
  • Feb 8, 1475

    First Major Work

    First Major Work
    was "The Baptism of Christ". Leonardo worked on it with Andrew del Verrocchio. They finished the painting in 1475.
  • Feb 8, 1475

    His First Individual Piece

    His First Individual Piece
    was the "Annunciation". This is a painting that is showing Gabriel telling Mary that she would bare the child of God. He worked on this piece from 1472-1475.
  • Feb 8, 1497

    Another Very Famous Piece

    Another Very Famous Piece
    was the "Last Supper". Which shows Judas, the traitor of Christ, behind the table. This is different than any other portrayal of the "Last Supper". Another thing that is different in da Vinci's painting than any other is that John, who is sitting next to Christ, looks a lot like a girl. This painting was worked on from 1495-1497.
  • Feb 8, 1506

    Most Famous Piece of Work

    Most Famous Piece of Work
    was the "Portait of Lisa del Giocondo", better known as the "Mona Lisa". He worked on this piece from 1503-1506. In this painting you can see how the eyes seem to follow you. When people look at this painting they wonder who she is and why she is smiling.
  • Feb 8, 1511

    He Dissected Bodies

    He Dissected Bodies
    He dissected the whole body of a man who died in his presence, a toddler, two other men who were most likely criminals, and one fetus. Everything else was just parts of a body. He had to work in horrible conditions because the bodies could not be preserved or frozen. He did this from 1510-1511.
  • Feb 8, 1513

    Went to Court for Dissections

    Went to Court for Dissections
    Da Vinci went to court in 1513 because he was doing dissections. The Pope said it was heresy and banned him from dissections and had him thrown out of the painters guild.
  • Feb 8, 1519

    Wrote and Published a Book

    Wrote and Published a Book
    called "Trattato della Pittura", which means "Trearise on Painting". in this book he talks about the affects of light and shade. He also talks about the techniques he invented, which were chiarscuro and sfumato. Chiarscuro was the effect of shading people and faces to show thier expression and movement. Sfumato deals with using shadows and proportions to show the location of a figure in the background. He worked on this from 1452-1519.