Leonardo da Vinci

  • Sep 12, 1466

    Leonardo was apprenticed

  • Feb 22, 1473

    "The Annunication"

    "The  Annunication"
    First individual painting
  • Oct 7, 1475

    "The Baptism of Christ"

    "The Baptism of Christ"
    Leonardo painted an angel in this picture and he did so good that Verrocchio quite painting.
  • Feb 7, 1478

    "Ginevra de' Benci"

    "Ginevra de' Benci"
    Made $5 million, record price
  • Jul 30, 1482

    Enters the service of Ludovico Sforza

    presents himself as painter, sculptor, engineer, and architect
  • Jan 10, 1483

    "Virign of the Rocks"

    "Virign of the Rocks"
  • Dec 31, 1485

    produced a studies on nature, flying machines, geometry, mechanics, municipal construction, canals and architecture

  • Mar 17, 1489

    Started a new notebook on the human body

  • Aug 19, 1495

    "The Last Supper"

    "The Last Supper"
    He started The Last Supper
  • Jul 9, 1503

    "Mona Lisa"

    "Mona Lisa"
  • May 23, 1507

    Determined painter and engineer in France, at the court of Louis XII

  • Feb 6, 1510

    "The Virgin and child with St. Anne"

    "The Virgin and child with St. Anne"
  • Nov 8, 1510

    collaborated in his studies with the doctor Marcantonio della Torre

    collaborated in his studies with the doctor Marcantonio della Torre
  • Apr 3, 1515

    "Portrait of a Man in Red Chalk"

    "Portrait of a Man in Red Chalk"
  • Mar 4, 1516

    "St. John the Baptist"

    "St. John the Baptist"