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George Patton
-general George smith patton jt was a senior officer of the US army who commanded the US seventh army in the Mediterranean and European theatersof WW2 but he was best known for his leadership of US
- involved in military career leading eavalry troops against Mexican forces and became 1st officer assigned the new US army tank corps -
on sept 27 Americans were notified hat germay Italy and japan had igned a mutral defense thread tripartite pact tey were known as the axis powers their main goal was keeping the US out of he ar in the tready the agreed to defend one another in case of attack -
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volunteerism of WW2 red cross of WW2
patriotic Americas invested their time volunteering for red cross making bandages knitting socks and collecting books to send to the troops morhd celebrities boosted sales fo the war bonds and other war time endeavors red cross also sent provisions to help soldies mainly pows in Germany ad japan -
Period: to
flying tigers
flying igers were recuited to send supplies andto egage in comba with jappanese pilots -
pearl harbor
-Japanese bombed Oahu Hawaii in 2 waves of airplanes destroying 18 US ships and 260 airplanes and injured/ killed 6000 Americans
- the da after Roosevelt declared war on japan
- entry to WW2
-"A Date Which Will live In Infamy" -
war bonds
known as debt securities for the purpose offinancing military operactions during war time the bonds eild a more 2.0 percent return ater a 10-year maturity living in the united states with a median income during WW2 meant earning about 2000 a year despite the wars hardship 139 million Americans were asked to purchase war bonds to help find the war tamps also could be purchased stating at 10 cents to save toward the bond -
-durng WW2 waves was a acronym for woma accepted for volunteer emergency service
-waves let women work on planes and fly planes in the continental US -
field marshal
Bernard Montgomery commanded the British eighth army in Tunisia in may 1943 his insistence that the initial invasion forces be increases from 3 to 8 divisions was essential to the success on d day -
douglas mcaurther
sta general camanded the southwest pacific and invades the island of late October 1944 to avenge americans defeat in the Philippines the applied his military actions with islands hopping so help relieve pows from thebataan death marc -
Dwight D. Eisenhower
was the 34th president of the USA prior to his presidency Elsenhower was a life long military man commanding the D-day envasion while serving as surpreme allied commander in Europe during WW2 -
omar bradley
he as highly distinguished senior traffic of theUS army who aw distinguished service in the north America and western Europe durng WW2 he was also known as a top general durng d-day -
george marshall
he was a American statesman and soilder he as chief of staff for theus army under fdr and truma served as secertaty of state and defense under Truman he hired as the organizer of victory by Winston churchill -
lend lease program
-provided US military ad to foregien durng WW2
- factories needed more workers to build war macines and decrease unemployment
-selling weapons helped end the great depression. European countries dint have to pay back until after the war andonly fo what the used.