Leila Hodges Technical History Timeline

  • The Odyssey

    The Odyssey
    Sometime in the early 1980s my brothers and sisters and I were gifted with an Odyssey game system. We thought we were the coolest. We have many fights between us six kids about whose turn it was.
  • We got a Beta!! Not a fish....

    We got a Beta!!  Not a fish....
    I remember the excitement in my home when my dad came home with our shiny new BETA VCR player. I felt like we were royalty! We could walk to the local Rite Aid and actually rent movies to watch at home. I could record TV shows. It was awesome....until VHS wiped out BETA! ugh
  • Walk...man - Walkman tape players were allowed on the school bus!

    Walk...man - Walkman tape players were allowed on the school bus!
    Nothing looked cooler than the dudes on the football bus who were walking on with their bright yellow sony walkman's in tow. Sometime's they played it so loud you could listen to it if you were sitting beside them when the music escaped their headphones.
  • My car had a tape player - and it skipped songs

    My car had a tape player - and it skipped songs
    My friends thought I was the luckiest girl in the world. My Toyota had a tape deck that could skip songs (like CD's do now). We burned out the Prince "Batman" CD in the car. Good times. I thought CD players would NEVER take off.
  • Word Processer - bigger than a computer

    Word Processer - bigger than a computer
    In the mid 1990s I borrowed my boyfriends awesome word processor machine to print all of my college papers. It probably weighed 30 pounds and was as big as a large microwave.
  • What does surfing mean? Dude....

    I was finishing college at WV State, and people in the study room were starting to "surf" the web. The concept was inconceivable to me. I tried to ask someone to explain it to me, and got an eyeroll. I eventually figured it out myself.
  • Laptop forevermore

    Laptop forevermore
    Maybe around 2008 I switched to a laptop from a free-standing computer. Never thought I would do it....but then I learned of the convenience of mobility. Will never go back now. Love my laptop.
  • Creating this timeline

    Creating this timeline
    I'm sitting here typing furiously to complete this, while learning to upload pics of old objects to my pictures folder on my computer. Nothing like cramming. 3 ball games tonight....tball, softball, and little league baseball. ughhhhh, the consequences of procrastination!