Section 504 of the Rehabilition Act
This law serves as a civil rights law for individuals with disabilities and forbids all institutions receiving federal funds from discrimination against individuals with disabilities in education, employment, housing, and access to public programs and facilities. -
Public Law 94- 142 Education for All Handicapped Children Act
This act mandates that a free and appropriate education be provided to all students with disabilities, regardless of the nature and severity of their disability. -
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
This act acts upon a free and appropriate education be provided to all students with disabilities, regardless of the nature and severity of their disability. This acknowledges normalization to the principle by asserting that individuals with disabilities have the right to enjoy full inclusion and integration in the classroom. IDEA is based on six fundamental principles. -
Public Law 99- 457 Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Act of 1986
Gives children with disabilities from birth to five years the right to encounter early intervention services and special assistance to students who are at risk. This law was created from Public Law 94- 142 -
Public Law 101- 476 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990
This act is reflecting on individuals with disabilities. This is putting it in "individuals first" language. It replaced the term handicapped with the new term disability. For example, using individuals- first- language with students with disabilities. This law was first public law 94- 142 but then changed to public law 101- 476 -
Americans with Disabilities Act
This act was designated to integrate individuals with disabilities into the social and economic mainstream of society. This gave individuals with disabilities by providing them with access to public facilities, which includes secondary education, restaurants, shops, state and local government activities and programs, etc. -
Public Law 105- 17 The IDEA Amendments of 1997
This act improved the educational performance of students with disabilities by having high expectations for them, by giving them greater access to not only general education, but to making general and special educators and administrators members of the IEP team. -
Public Law 108- 446 The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004
This act was created by congress to make special improvements to the IDEA. In which these include the IEP, family involvement, and the special education identification and referral processes. These changes were to make documentation of conditions that were considered to be placed under the disability category under health impairments.