Brown vs. Board
This discision opened the eyes of the American public to the unequality levels that were taking place in the school system. With this case and following verdict the blindings were taken off and the public school system was forced to change. -
ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act)
This was the first case to be applied to students with special needs, it specificially applied to low-income families that needed the extra support, but also applied to children who need additional support to benefit from public school education programs. -
EAA (Educational Amendment Act)
This act provided funding for states that had programming for exceptional learners. It also granted students and families the right of due process in special educationplacement. -
EAHCA (Education for All Handicapped Children Act)
This law was the first law to require that the states providea free and appropriate public education for children with disabilities. -
P.L. 101-476
Requires states to educate students with disabilities for transition to employment, and provide trnasition services. This law renames and replaces P.L. 94-142. -
I.D.E.A. required that schools assume greater responsibility for ensuring that students with disabilities have access to the general education system. -
This both increased federal funding and made it an expectation that an RTI be completed and used to evaluate a child's needs. It also raised the standards for special education liscensure. It was an add on from the IDEA law that was passed in 1997.