Public Law 88-164
Created by John F. Kennedy. Public Law 88-164 authorized funds for training professionals who can work with children with disabilities. -
Public Law 93-112
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Provides for equal access to programs and services for individuals with disabilities. -
Public Law 94-142
Signed into law by President Gerald Ford. This law assured children who needed special education, received special education. -
Public Law 99-457
Brought into effect by congress and President Reagan. IDEA program allocated funds for the states to develop plans for children and their families from birth. -
Public Law 101-336
Americans with Disabilities Act. Extends civil rights to people with disabilities. Anti-discrimination law. -
Public Law 107-110
No Child Left Behind. Impacts all children, and a special impact on children with disabilities. -
IDEA 2004
Reauthorization of legislation. Changes addressed: Quality of personnel, IEP standards, must be addressed at age 16 or before.