Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
This is a disability civil rights law that prohibits discrimination of people with disabilities in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. It works alongside ADA and IDEA to provide people with disabilities protection from exclusion, denial of benefits, or unequal treatment in the community. -
PL 94-142 Education for All Handicapped Children Act
This act assured that any child with a disability between the ages of 6 and 18, despite their specific requirements, be given a free and appropriate education. The child would be educated in the least restrictive environment with their peers. This act laid out an individualized education program for each student. This act gave the parents safeguards and procedural due process including confidentiality of student records, the right to an independent evaluation, and the right to legal counsel. -
PL 99-457 Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Act of 1986
This act assisted the US states in extending coverage and services, and in providing protection for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with disabilities. It implemented an early intervention program which provided services for infant and toddler children with disabilities and their families. It gave attention to the fact that early intervention is vital and thus provided extra funding for families in need of assistance. -
PL 101-476 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990
This was the changing of legislation from Education for All Handicapped Children Act to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. It added to the list of children with disabilities the category of autism and traumatic brain injury. It began using people-first language. It expanded the services provided to include social work and rehabilitation counseling. It expanded services to children with disabilities from various backgrounds. It required students to get an individual transition plan. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
The ADA is a civil rights act that requires that employers to offer equal opportunities to people with disabilities. It prohibits employers, unions, government officials, or employee agencies from discriminating against people with disabilities. It is also mandatory that the employer provide reasonable accommodation for the employee unless it imposes undue hardship. This act allows for the inclusion of people with disabilities, allowing them to work alongside their peers. -
PL 105-17 The IDEA Amendments of 1997
This act required that students with disabilities be included in statewide and districtwide assessment programs or be given alternative assessments. Educators in both the general and special education learning were included in the IEP team. It supported the families’ involvement in the education of the student. It raised the standard of education by forming benchmarks and measurable goals for students. It sought to prevent disproportionate representation of students from various backgrounds. -
PL 108-446 The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004
This act addressed the needs of students with disabilities who also are gifted or talented. It made changes to the IEP and the communication of families and schools. Benchmarks and short-term objectives were no longer required in IEPs. It raised transitional planning to age 16. It introduced the Response to Intervention method to determine if students have a disability. Students were not required to take medication in order to attend school, be evaluated, or receive services.