Leaving Europe For the New World

  • 1492

    Columbus Discovered America

    Columbus was sponsored by the Queen of Spain after many requests for sponsorship. When he tried find a quicker route to India or "the Indies" and ended discovering the Americas.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther Posts 95 thesis

    Martin Luther founded the Lutheran church. His founding of this church was because he questioned certain beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church and these questioned he posted and called them the 95 Thesis. He questioned things such as the indulgences and fasting.
  • 1566

    King James I becomes King of England

    He was an absolute monarch of England. He believed in "The divine Rights of Kings" and he tried to rule England without Parliament .
  • First Attempt to Settle Roanoke Island

    Sir Walter Raleigh tried to make a settlement in Roanoke, which is near the modern day Carolinas, but failed.
  • The Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    There were various tensions between the England & Spain at this time. A battle ended up breaking out and it was the World's most powerful armada (the Spanish Armada) versus England's small armada. During the battle a storm broke out and dispersed the Spanish Armada, which gave England the upper hand and England won.
  • The Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    There were various tensions between the England & Spain at this time. A battle ended up breaking out and it was the World's most powerful armada (the Spanish Armada) versus England's small armada. During the battle a storm broke out and dispersed the Spanish Armada, which gave England the upper hand and England won.
  • Jamestown is founded as a colony

    Jamestown was America's first English Colony.
  • King James Version Bible was Published

    The book began to be translated in 1604 & was published in 1611
  • The Pilgrims Land in the New World

    The pilgrims were a group of Separatists that escaped the Anglican church and moved to the new World
  • The Charles the First is Executed

    He was the son the of James I, he believed in "The Divine Rights of Kings" and he dismissed Parliament. He was overthrown by Oliver Cromwell. He was executed for high treason