Students Determine what lesson they want to use for their crossword puzzle
This lesson will allow students to be creative, use critical thinking and show their understanding of the subject matter. For this step, the students (in groups of 3 or 4) will select (from the lessons learned this semester) what they want their crossword puzzle to cover. Please click on students collaborating for the original image location. -
Students are asked to present their thesis to the instuctor
The thesis will include what the students hope other students will get from their puzzle, if the puzzle will be equations and numbers, or terms, or a combination of both. The students will think about questions/clues for their puzzle. Click for original Image location. -
Students will start creating questions
Students will start creating questions/clues for their crossword puzzles. I will give them about 3 days to finish this task. Please click here for original image location. -
Students begin to create grid
Students will create the grid for their puzzle based on the answers to the questions/clues. I will give the students 2 days to create the grids. Please click here for original image location. -
Students present puzzles to the instructor for review
I will review the puzzles to make sure all answers fit and are correct and return them to the students the next day. Please <a href="http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTRi39EJbALGNHOYNkVKQQdlYyfrkQ2NOA_JU_RcDQONnnWFqtStw" >click here</a> for image location. -
Students will exchange and solve each others' puzzles
The students will have the weekend to solve each others' puzzles. The puzzles will be used as study guides for the test. This is a fun and challenging way to get the students to study. They have taught and learned from other students and should be ready to go. Original Image
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