Lead Up to WWII - Ally Stepek

  • End of WWII

    Germany lost the war, causing them to pay reparations to other European countries. They couldn't afford it, so Germany was soon full of poverty and homelessness.
  • Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi Party

    After a power climb through the Nazi party, Hitler became the leader. His ability to draw a crowd made him very admirable and likeable, which gave him even more power.
  • Mein Kampf Published

    In his book, Hitler explains his struggles from when he was younger, as well as his dreams for the future of Germany. He expresses how he believes the superior race is someone with blonde hair and blue eyes, and the inferior race is the Jews, among others.
  • First Concentration Camps

    The first camps were Dachau near Munich, Buchenwald near Weimar, and Sachsenhausen near Berlin.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes Germany's Furher

    When the President of Germany died, Hitler used the opportunity to seize power. He had 38 million votes of approval, so he wielded absolute power in Germany.
  • Nuremberg Race Laws

    These laws stripped German Jews of their rights. They designated Jews as subjects, as well as forbid them to marry Aryans.
  • Marco Polo Bridge Incident

    Japan launched a full scale invasion of China. The Chinese and Japanese fought at the Marco Polo Bridge, starting a war between them.
  • Union with Russia

    Immediatley after Hitler announced a union with Austria, the Nazis started attacking Austrian Jews. They would be arrested and publcally humiliated by Austrain Nazis.
  • Hitler Threatens the Jews

    During his Reichstag speech, Hitler publically threatened the Jews. This made them very fearful, and Hitler showed his true intentions for Germany.
  • Start of WWII

    On September 1st, 1939, Germany invaded Poland which caused Britain and France to declare war on Germany on September 3rd, officially starting WWII.