
Laws To support Children with Special Needs in Education

  • First school allowing a small amount of children with special needs.

    First school allowing a small amount of children with special needs.
    Schools educated only one in five children with disabilities, and many states had laws excluding certain students, including children who were deaf, blind, emotionally disturbed, or had an intellectual disability.
  • Education for all handicapped children Act

    Education for all handicapped children Act
    It was created to permit public schools to allow children with special needs to have the same opportunities. Because the school receives federal funds, they provide meals for the children there.
  • Individual with Disabilities Education Act

    Individual with Disabilities Education Act
    It was created in 1990 to modify the first law education for All Handicapped Children Act. This law makes sure that children with special needs receive free education in the necessary environment. This helps students to get attention and allows them to participate in the activities.
  • Different generations going to school 2000

    Different generations going to school 2000
    In 2020-21, more than 66% of children with disabilities were in general education classrooms 80% or more of their school day, and early intervention services were provided to more than 363,000 infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families.
  • No Child Left Behind, in 2001 the elementary and secondary education act

    No Child Left Behind, in 2001 the elementary and secondary education act
    This law was to inform schools in every state that they need to have assessments to check academic skills. This law incentivizes schools to demonstrate progress in children with special needs.
  • Reauthorization of the IDEA (2006)

    Reauthorization of the IDEA (2006)
    Required schools to use research-based interventions in the process of assisting students with learning difficulties or determining eligibility for special education.
  • Equity in IDEA (2016)

    Equity in IDEA (2016)
    It helps ensure children with disabilities are not disproportionately removed from their educational placements by disciplinary removals.