No way to take part in govern. activities you cant enter professions
"A law of April 7, 1933, decreed the dismissal of Jews from government service and universities. They were also debarred from entering the professions". https://www.britannica.com/place/Third-Reich#ref1256164 -
You cannot vote if you were jew.
November 1935 it was said that if 1 of your grandparents were fully jew you don't have the right to vote. (not directly quoting this website but i found it out here https://www.britannica.com/topic/ Nurnberg-Laws) -
Law marriage
"Marriages between Jews and nationals of German or kindred blood are forbidden. Marriages concluded in defiance of this law are void, even if, for the purpose of evading this law, they are concluded abroad." -
The letter "J"
If you were Jew it was needed for you to have the letter J stamped on your passport for you to leave. (date found from https://alphahist ory.com/holocaust/anti-jewish-laws/ ) -
Your Jewish, so you cant own a phone
"Jews are no longer allowed to install, maintain or use telephones" (https://alphahistory.com/holocaust/anti-jewish-laws/). this put a bad image on Jewish people because its showing the government didn't trust Jews enough to the point where one phone call isn't even allowed. It blocked off communication from probably a lot of family member's. I say that because if a family member was luck enough to get passed the boarder and someone in there family wasn't, they no longer can talk anymore. -
"Jews over 6 forced to wear a Yellow Star of David with 'Jew' written on it" (http://www.bl.uk/learning/histcitizen/voices/info/ decrees/decrees.html). This made Jews stand out a lot more. It made Jews impossible to say that there not Jews and it made them more suspected to be put in the concentration camps. It also makes them look like an outcast.