Boston Latin School is established.
The first public school to be established in the United States is the Boston Latin School. This school only allowed male students and male teachers. However, this school brought an awareness for the public be responsible for educating children. -
Harvard College is established.
Harvard College is the first higher education institution to be established in Massachusetts. -
MA Bay School Law
This law required parents to teach their children the principles of religion and the captial laws of the commonwealth of Massachusetts. -
Old Deluder Satan Act is passed.
This law stated that towns with at least fifty families need to hire a schoolmaster to teach the town's children how to read and write. This law also indicated that towns with at least one hundred families need to establish a Latin grammar school master to prepare students for Harvard College in Massachusetts. -
First public school in NH
The first public school in New Hampshire was established in Hampton by John Legat, in which he explained that the qualification for students to attend was that they were, "capable of learning". -
The Young Ladies Academy
The Young Ladies Academy was established in 1787 in Philadelphia and became the first all female academy in the United States. Male teachers taught reading, spelling, writing, math, and geography to the female students. -
Roberts v. City of Boston
Parents petitioned for their children to be in special schools separate from caucasion students. Massachusetts Supreme Court rules that segratated schools are allowed under the state's constitution, so that African American students are not harrassed and mistreated. -
Compulsory Attendence Law
By 1918, all states required students to attend public school with various age requirements, but generally ranging between ages 5-18. -
Beattie v. Board of Education
In this case, that was presented to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, a student had troubles with speech, exhibited facial contortions, and drooled, causing the school to expel the student. The court agreed with the Board of Education and stated that students can be excluded if they have such conditions. -
Brown v. Board of Education
This court case raised the awareness that separate is not equal when it comes to educating all students. This separation was between African American students and caucasion students. The court ruled on May 31, 1955 that states submit their plans for proceeding with desegragation. -
Department of Public Welfare v. Haas
The Supreme Court of Ilinois ruled that states do not have to provide education to feeble-minded and mentally deficient students on the grounds that they would not benefit from having a good education. -
"Learning Disability" is coined by Samuel A. Kirk
During a conference in Chicago titled, Exploration into the Problems of the Perceptually Handicapped Child, Samuel A. Kirk coined the term, "Learning Disability". -
ESEA of 1965
President Johnson established a fund, called Title I, to support economically disadvantaged students. Therefore, schools with a high concentration of students who come from low-income homes, are entilted to Title I funding from the government to implement programs to support low-income students. -
Mills v. Board of Education
This case was brought against the District of Columbia Board of Education, in which parents of seven students with disabilities were fighting for their inclusion in public school through the due process of law. The ruling indicated that the district provide all children with disabilities a public supported education. -
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
First federal civil rights act to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities. The main purpose of Section 504 was to eliminate discrimination against an individual with a disability by any agency receiving federal funds. -
EACHA of 1975
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 required states to provide a FAPE for all qualifying students ages 3 to 18. Students have the right to evaluation, placement, LRE, due process with parent involvement, free education, and an appropriate education. -
EAHCA Amendments
The Education of the Handicapped Amendments of 1986 provided grants to states who provide services to children with developmental disabilities from birth to age 3. This Individualized Family Services Plan provides services to families with a child who demonstrates a developmental delay/disability. -
IDEA 1990
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act mandated people first terminology that turns a disabled student into a student with a disability. IDEA 1990 also brought forward transition planning for students with disabilities who are 16 years or older to prepare them for post-school activities. -
No Child Left Behind Act
President Bush presented the No Child Left Behind Act which holds states, school districts, and schools accountable for producing gains in students' achievement in math and reading abilities/skills. Students with disabilities must be assessed to ensure that a school is meeting accountability requirements. -
IDEA 2004
President Bush presented IDEA 2004 which raised the bar of previous legislation requiring special educators to have HQT status and certification in special education. Teachers also need to use scientifically based practices and write measureable annual goals in students' IEPs. -
Rochester NH Cyberbullying Policy
The Rochester School District in New Hampshire adopted a cyberbullying policy that protects students from bullying that takes place online that interfere's with a student's educational opportunities or disrupts orderly operations of the school or school-sponsored activity/event.