1754 BCE
Hammurabi Code
Hammurabis code was one of the first deciphered writings in the history of Canadian law. the code was written in Mesopotamia by King Hammurabi in 1754. The Hammurabi code says "eye for an eye" meaning if you take someones eye out the person will get their eye taken out too. Hammurabis code was one of the first deciphered writings in the history of Canadian law. -
Justinian Code
Emperor Justinian ruled the Byzantine Empire. Justinian made equity between men with property and men without. Despite the fact that the equality wasn't between all people it was the beginning. There were four principle parts to his code. This part was all the laws from past Emperor.This is the present sovereigns supposition on the past laws. Part 3 portrays how to utilize the laws.These are all of the new laws. This is important to Canada because everyone has equality. -
Jan 1, 800
Feudalism was a combination of legal, economic and military customs that flourished in medieval Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries. From feudalism came judges because the king would appoint many judges throughout the land to solve cases. common law also came from this, instead of every judge providing a different punishment, common law would make it so that each law would have a punishment that wouldn't differ between cases. -
Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was drafted by the Archbishop of Centerbury to make peace with the unpopular king.It promised protection of church rights , protection for barons from illegal imprisonment, access to swift justice and limitations on feudal payments to the crown. they named it Magna Carta to distinguish it from the small charter of forest. The Magna Carta is a main part of our legal system now and bases the system everyone is innocent until proven guilty. -
Charter of rights and freedoms
The Charter of Rights is a bill of rights settled in the constitution of Canada, it shapes the first part of the constitution demonstration. The sanction guarantees certain political rights to Canadian residents and civil rights to everybody in Canada. After World War II there was a movement that impacted the charter, it was a movement for freedom rights and human rights. numerous cases that would violate the charter are hate speech, discrimination, racism and sexism.