Archduke Assasination
Franz Ferdinand was the Archduke of Austria-Hungary. Him and his wife were assasinated on July 28, 1914. Many people believe that his death was the leading factor for the start of WW1. -
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Trench Foot
Trench Foot was a condition caused by long exposure to cold water or mud. The leading cause of trench foot was the trench warfare. People were stuck in these trenches for months/years at a time. When affected by this disease the skin on your feet is desicated and rots away leaving your bones bare. -
Begining of WW1
Differences in forgein policies and the assisanation of Franz Ferndinand were leading factors on the war that began on July 28, 1914. The war is between the Allied Powers and Central Powers. -
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Flu Epidemic
The Spanish Flu was a very deadly disease that many men in the war were affected by. James was unfortunatly one of those men. While spendng lots of time in the hospital he wrote about the deaths of the people around him and the things that he personally dealt with. -
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Work Dogs
During the war dogs were used as messengers. They had capsules attached to their bodies that carried messages to the front lines. Dogs were also very helpful at laying down telegraph poles and carrying things. -
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Trench Living
Trench living was very hard, in many caases men suffered of trench foot or another disease. However the trenches were safer on the fighting front with 9 out of 10 people making it out alive. The Germans had very 'nice' trenches, they were built to last with bunk beds, furnature, bupboards, and some electrical lighting. -
Lisituania Ship Sink
German submarine sinks passenger liner Litsinania killing 1,129 people. Threre were 128 Americans on board. Shortly after, the U.S decided to join the war. -
British Tanks
In September of 1916 the first tanks were used by the British Soldiers. Although the tanks were not the strongest or best they were able to break through barbed wire and other things making it eaier for troops to attack. These tanks were soon revolutionized and made better. -
U.S Enters War
On April 6th, 1917 the U.S decided to sign the declaration of war against Germany. The U.S joined forces with France and Britan. -
Induction Letter
James Hoskins was inducted into the war on July 22nd, 1918. He was put on a board and asked to come in immediatly for Military services. James had been wanting to join the war for a while and was very excited when finally inducted. -
Recieving Letters
In 1918 V. H. Haplerin sent a letter of notice to Jame's family. This letter included all of his accomplishments during the war and when he would be returning home. It also included the the amount of money he was owed and what it was to go to. -
End of War
On November 11th, 1918 the war was ended with the Treaty of Versallies. This Treaty created peace between Germany and the Allied Powers. This treaty was signed exactly five years after the assasination of the Archduke. What started as a small war ended as a huge war with around 32 countries involved. -
War Costs
At the end of the War the total cost for the United States came up to more than 30 billion dollars. The army had to pay for
two-way-travel, amunition, health care, many more things. -
Family Letters
During James' time in the army he recieves many letters and gifts from his family. His mother and sister made him a blanket and wrote him regularly. After his death his sister got out all the letters and organised them into the order that they were sent and recieved. -
James Discharged
James was discharged from the war on Febuary 19th, 1919 and sent back home to Iowa. Not only was James just discharged he was discharged with an honorary award and was paid for his work.