Gorge flood

Launceston's history timeline

  • Bass and flinders explore

    Bass and flinders explore
    Bass and flinders started to explore if they was a strait that existed
  • Settlement in Georgetown

    Lt col William Paterson settled in Georgetown and made camp for his party.
  • Lt Col paterson changed Patersonia to Launceston

    Lt Col paterson chaged Patersonia's name to launceston in honour of Governer philip king
  • Lanceston founded

    Launceston oringally called Patersonia was found on this day
  • Colonial and victorian buildings

    Colonial and victorian buildings
    The first Colonial and Victorian buildings were built.
  • The superintendant house on the corner of gorge and william street built

    The superintendant house on the corner of gorge and william was built and prisoners slept there.
  • Paterson baqrracks was built

    Paterson barracks was described as the best brick building in Van demons land.
  • Public buildings in St john street built

    All the public buildings in st john street were built with the pos office and the telegraph office.
  • first telegraph message direct from england

    The very first telegraph message sent from england and it toke 24 hours to recieve to get.
  • Custom house was built in the mining boom

    Where the first custom house was built the mining industrie was booming with rich tin at Mt Bischoff and was processed.