Latino Rights

  • First Mexican Farm Workers Association

    First Mexican Farm Workers Association
    when Japanese and Mexican farm workers were unhappy with their employers they banned together and formed the Japanese Mexican labor association in oxford Cali.
  • Period: to

    The Fight for Rights

  • First Us senator

    First Us senator
    Octaviano larrazolo becomes first Lantino Senator
  • Legue of United Latin American citizens

    Legue of United Latin American citizens
    Several small Latino organization banned together to form the LULAC, this group was dedicated to end discrimination and segration and promote education amongst the Latino Americans. It is the largest and longest Latino civil rights group in history
  • Unions Raise the Minimum wage

    Unions Raise the Minimum wage
    Latino unions lead strikes in El Monte, the largest agricultural strike at that point in history. Raised the minimum wage from nine cents an hour to a whopping 20 cents an hour
  • First fair employment bill

    First fair employment bill
    Senator Dennis Chavezof NM introduces a bill that prohibited discrimination by race, creed, creed or nationality, the bill ended up failing but was big step in the direction of equal rights.
  • Supreme court rules against school segragation

    Supreme court rules against school segragation
    Latino parents sue CA school districts. The parents argued that segragated schools are not good for the children and the supreme court ended up ruling in their favor, this was unheard of at the time.
  • Cesar Chavez forms the united farm workers association

    Cesar Chavez forms the united farm workers association
    Cesar chavez formed his group which became the largest and most important farm worker union in the nation. Participated in the Grape Boycott to help raise the quality and pay of which farm workers were subject to.
  • Mexican American legal defense and education fund

    Mexican American legal defense and education fund
    this Defense and Fund became the first legal fund to pursue protection of civil rights of latino americans. Mario Obledo founded this non-profit organization
  • Schools open up a bit more

    Schools open up a bit more
    The U.S department of health and education stated that schools cannot deny enrollment for the sole reason that the student does not speak english.
  • Latinos appointed to govt positions

    Latinos appointed to govt positions
    Lauro Cavazos was appointed secretary of education by president Ronald Reagan, Ilena Ros-Lehtinen is first latino woman to become a U.S Represenative
  • A Day Without Immagrants

    A Day Without Immagrants
    Hundreds of thousands of Latino Immagrants boycotted work, school and shopping to show the importance of Immagrants to the U.S economy.
  • Citations

    "Latino Civil Rights Timeline, 1903 to 2006." <i>Latino Civil Rights Timeline, 1903 to 2006</i>. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. "UFCW 324." <i>UFCW 324</i>. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. "List of Mexican Americans." <i>Wikipedia</i>. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
  • Citations 2

    "E D U C a T I O N." <i>Education</i>. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. "Hicks Camp: A Mexican Barrio." <i>Tropics of Meta</i>. 21 May 2014. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. "Carter Czech Abercrombie - Viewing Gallery." <i>Carter Czech Abercrombie - Viewing Gallery</i>. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. "Jwoldy." <i>Jwoldy</i>. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
  • Citations 3

    "Jwoldy." <i>Jwoldy</i>. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. <i>PBS</i>. PBS. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. "5 Directory of Activist Individuals & Organizations (USA)." <i>We The People Reform Coalition</i>. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.>. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. <
  • Citations 4

    "Lauro Cavazos." <i>Wikipedia</i>. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. "Political Cortex: Brain Food for the Body Politic." <i>Political Cortex: The Latest Tales from the Oiligarchy</i>. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.