Beginning of Haitian Revolution
The way the revolution started was that the enslave Africans wanted their land back and wanted to be free. The social classes that were involved in the revolution were the enslaved africans. The leaders of the revolution were Toussaint Liouverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines. -
Ending of Haitian Revolution
The Enslaved Africans fought against the French to get their freedom.The revolution ended when the Slaves fought the french . The revolution was successful because they fought the french and won and received their land back and their freedom. -
Beginning of Mexican Revolution
The way the revolution started was that the creoles wanted to free the people of mexico so they can have power.The Socials classes involved were the creoles, indians and slaves. The leaders were Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria morelas. -
Beginning of South American Revolution
The way the revolution started was that the creoles wanted power power. The social class that was involved in the revolution were the creoles.The leaders that lead the revolution were Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin -
Ending of Mexican Revolution
The Creoles and Slaves fought against the Spanish.The revolution ended when the Creoles and slaves over took the people of more power. It was successful because they defeated the people from spain. -
Ending of South American Revolution
The Creoles fought against the Spanish. The revolution ended when the creoles over took the spanish person that had more power and rights then them. The revolution was successful because they won the battle.