Start of The Haitain Revolution
The Haitain revolution started when slaves rose up against their masters and then they rose in revolt. Based on The Encomienda System slaves led the revolution. The person who led it was Toussaint Louverture. -
End of the Haitain revolution
The Haitains fought against the French . The revolution ended when Touissant took control of the island and freed all the enslaved africans. And later got their Independence makng it a succesful revolution -
Start of the Mexican Revolution
The revolution started when a person believed in enlightment so he decided to create a march toward Mexico city. The social classes that participated were Indians and Mestizos. The leaders of the revolution were Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos -
Start of the South american Revolution
The revolution started when 2 generals wanted their independence so they teamed up to get their independence. The social class that participated where the creoles. The leaders of the revolution were Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin -
End of the Mexican Revolution
The mexicans fought against spain. The revolution wasent succesful because both leaders got defeated until the own enemies gave mexico their independence . -
End of the South American Revolution
The South Americans fought against the spain. The revolution ended when they fought the last war in the battle of Ayacucho and was a success because they brought independence to 4 countries that formed the Gran Columbia .