Latin American Revolutions

  • Start Of The Haitian Revolution

    Start Of The Haitian Revolution
    Toussaint L'Ouverture led the Haitian revolution. He was a slave. It all started when the US and France gained more freedoms through revolution so he was inspired.Also because African slaves were treated poorly so it caused revolt.
  • End Of The Haitian Revolution

    End Of The Haitian Revolution
    Haiti fought against France. Slaves were freed. They declared independence and they set up their own gorvenment.
  • Start Of The Mexican Revolution

    Start Of The Mexican Revolution
    Miguel Hidalgo led the Mexican revolution. The Mexican revolution was led by Indians and Mestizos. The revolution began due to the fear that they will lose their privileges.
  • Start Of The South American Revolution

    Start Of The South American Revolution
    Simon Bolivar led the South American revolution. He was a creole. The revolution began because they wanted freedom.
  • End Of The Mexican Revolution

    End Of The Mexican Revolution
    Mexico fought against Spain.Agustin De Iturbide was the one to proclaim independence.
  • Start Of The Brazilian Revolution

    Start Of The Brazilian Revolution
    Dom Pedro was the one to lead the Brazilian revolution. The Brazilian revolution was lead by the royal familly. It started becuase Brazilians could not accept a return to colonial status.
  • End Of The Brazilian Revolution

    End Of The Brazilian Revolution
    Brazil fought against Portugal. Brazil won its independence in a bloodless revolution.
  • End Of The South American Revolution

    End Of The South American Revolution
    South America fought against Spain.The Spanish colonies in Latin America won their freedom.