Revolution 2000x1237

Latin American Revolutions

  • The Start Of The Haitian Revolution

    The Start Of The Haitian Revolution
    The way the revolution started was the slaves wanted to break free from their masters so inspired by the american revolution they decided to revolt against their masters.
    The social classes that participate were he enslaved africans.
    the leaders of the revolution were Tousaint l´ouverture and Jean-Jacque Desoline
  • the end of the haitian revolution

    the end of the haitian revolution
    The haitians fought against the french army.
    The revolution ended when the slaves won their freedom
    The revolution was successful because the haitians won their independence.
  • the start of the mexican revolution

    the start of the mexican revolution
    The way the revolution started was Miguel hidalgo rang church bells for the peasants to fill the church and declare a revolution.
    The social classes that participated were the creoles.
    The leaders of the revolution were Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos.
  • the start of the south american revolution

    the start of the south american revolution
    The way the revolution started was bolivar leading 2000 soldiers on a march into columbia.
    The social classes that participated were the argentinians.
    The leaders of the revolution were Simon Bolivar and Jose de Martin.
  • the end of the mexican revolution

    the end of the mexican revolution
    the mexicans fought against spain.
    The revolution ended when the peasants won their independance.
    the revolution was successful because the mexicans now run their own government.
  • the end of the south american revolution

    the end of the south american revolution
    The south americans fought against spain.
    The revolution ended when the south americans overthrew the spaniards.
    The revolution yes successful because the south americans won Their independence.