Latin American Revolutions

  • Start Of The Hatian Revolution

    Start Of The Hatian Revolution
    The way that the hatian revolution begin was because they where treated bad and they enslave the africans. They social classes where the africans. The leaders where Toussaint Louverture and Jeon Jaques.
  • End Of The Haitian Revolution

    End Of The Haitian Revolution
    The europen countire they fighted was France. The revolution was a succfull because there were the first black colny that became free from the europens.
  • Start Of The Mexican Revolution

    Start Of The Mexican Revolution
    The revolution started because Miguel Hidalgo belive in the enlightenment and he took his first step toward indepence. The social classes that they have are indians, mestizos and creolez.the leaders where Miguel Hidalgo Jose Mairia Moraelos and Agustin De Iturbide.
  • Start Of The South American Revolution

    Start Of The South American Revolution
    The south american revolution started because there where tired of being oppres by the spanish. The social classes they had where crioles and the natives. The leaders where Siomon Boliva and Jose De San Martin.
  • End Of The Mexivan Revolution

    End Of The Mexivan Revolution
    the europen country they fought was spain. It Was a succes because they gained the independense from spain.
  • End of the South America Revolution

    End of the South America Revolution
    The europen country they fought was Spain. The revolution was seccessful because they made it to have there own freedom. They made a new country called Gran Colombia.